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#1 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 12:39 PM

This user has the following games installed:

Sims 3, World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations
Default "Failed to Share"
Hello all this is just a simple question anyone know how could i fix this problem everytime i try to "share" one of my creations it wont allow me.. it keep telling me that is there any way to fix this ?

To live each day is a hell of a miracle
Mad Poster
#2 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 1:00 PM
What exactly is the error you are getting? is this from the game or launcher?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 1:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by werismyki
What exactly is the error you are getting? is this from the game or launcher?

when im inside the game , i created a house and i wanted to "share" it and i wont let me it tell me that it "failed to share" just a blue pop up.

To live each day is a hell of a miracle
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 20th Mar 2013 at 10:18 PM
Well to be more explicit in explaining when i go to to EDIT TOWN , then i Click on my House thati created and then i click on "SHARE" and then i wait i get a blue pop up message saying "Export Failed".

To live each day is a hell of a miracle
Test Subject
#5 Old 8th Jan 2017 at 9:41 AM
Default The Sims 3: How to fix the “failed to share”/uploading and saving issue 1-8-2017
The Sims 3: How to fix the “failed to share”/uploading and saving issue 1-8-2017 First, before you start the game look in the GAME LAUNCHER and click on INSTALLED CONTENT, then click RUN WITHOUT CUSTOM CONTENT. Then click the PLAY BUTTON to start the game. If you want to share/upload/save a lot/content, click on the lot/content and click SAVE A COPY TO LIBRARY. Then find the lot/content in the library, click on the lot/content and click SHARE. It should say successful. Next, click on the OPTIONS MENU and click OPEN GAME LAUNCHER and it should be right there in the upload section. To upload your lot/content to The Sims 3.com check the box for the lot/content you want to upload/share, then click UPLOAD. Go to The Sims 3.com and go to MY PAGE and go to MY STUDIO and your lot/content should be there. To save your content to your computer or flash drive go to the GAME LAUNCHER and click on UPLOADES then click the box for the content you want to save. Then click SHOW FILE. Drag the content file to your flash drive or where ever you want to place it on your computer. You can also click on the content then left click and then click send to or other options.
To turn back on Custom content, quit your game and go to the GAME LAUNCHER then click on INSTALLED CONTENT then uncheck the box RUN WITHOUT CUSTOM CONTENT. Start your game. All your Custom content should be where it was before.
I hope this works for you please let me know if it did.

I did not play The Sims 3 for almost two years because of dealing with life/grown people problems and I could not take care of my business and play The Sims 3 at the same time because I am so addicted to The Sims 3 and knew I would get nothing done. So, I finally got back into playing and then this issue of not being able to share/save came up! I never had this problem before. I was so upset because if I can’t save my content to my flash drive then I can’t play the game! It takes way too much time and hard work to make my content and I cannot take the chance of not backing it up and losing it! I spent a whole day trying to resolve this issue. Tried almost everything which included contacting EA Help chat who could not help me and said they would get back to me! There were only two things that I found that might work and I will post them below. The first option was way too frustrating and way too much work to every time you want to upload/share/backup your content so I looked for another option. The second option seemed easier but it did not work when I tried it and I followed the directions to a tee. So, I changed some of the steps and it worked! This is the fix option I posted. I believe EA does not want people to upload and share their content anymore because when people download content from other Simmers that included content (hair styles, clothes etc.) they do not have (paid for) in their game, I guess they felt like they were losing money, as if they have not made enough already. It must be on purpose because many of the post I saw about this problem were from like 2011 up until now. So, EA could not fix this problem in all these years? That is part of the reason why I say it must be on purpose. If this is the case they definitely could have found a better way to handle THEIR issue. I still plan to stay on EA to fix this issue and I hope other Simmers will do the same! They owe Simmers a lot with all the money we’ve spent and the sad and horrible tragedy that is The Sims 4! They owe us!

Here are the two other options that might work:

The First Option: http://forums.thesimsresource.com/i...d-to-share-lot/
The Second Option: http://forums.thesims.com/en_US/dis...-this-happen/p2
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