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#1 Old 2nd May 2014 at 12:30 PM Last edited by egureh : 3rd May 2014 at 7:06 AM.
Default Build a plumb-droid without MC
Greetings. I figured out a way to make android-plumbot WITHOUT MasterController, all we need is S3PE.

Let's start it. Say hi to Kelvin Curitis, we'll create a plumbot with his appearance.

First we need a .sim file of plumbot. Named it Hi-5, don't bother what it looks like, just save it to Bin.

Also we need a .sim file of the sim. With testing cheats enabled, shift-click Kelvin and edit him in CAS.
Again, just save him to Bin. The preparatory work is done, quit game.

Now we have two .sim files in the SavedSims folder. Let's turn to S3PE.
Run S3PE -> File -> Open -> SavedSims folder -> Choose "All Files" to show .sim files

Open Hi-5_.sim, right-click the SIMO line and export to file.
(*SIMO = SIM Outfit, which contains appearance and clothing data of a sim.)

DO NOT save this file, just copy the file name with "outfit" extension.

Then open Kelvin_Curitis.sim, Kelvin has more than one SIMO because he's a human.
All these SIMOs have Kelvin's appearance data, so choose any of them, the only difference is the clothing.

Again, right-click SIMO and export to file.
PASTE THE PLUMBOT OUTFIT FILE NAME HERE before pressing the save button.

Now back to Hi-5_.sim and import this outfit file.

If you did it correctly, the original SIMO in Hi-5_.sim should be replaced with the imported one.
Then delete the bot head snapshots and click File -> Save.

When all done, delete the .outfit file and go back to game.
TA-DA! Hi-5 looks exactly like Kelvin now. Go and create it!

Check plumbot interactions with Hi-5. Hmm, everything works well.

If you'd like to change its clothing or appearance, edit it in CAS instead of the bot workshop.
Remember plumbot should has ONLY ONE EVERYDAY outfit, don't touch others.
DO NOT change the life stages or species in CAS unless you wish to ruin it.

With this S3PE method, you could use any young adult/adult/elder appearance to build a plumbot.
I suppose teen is okay as well, but one problem is they cannot drive.
You'd better not try to make a child/toddler plumbot since you'll get a Slender Man.
That's it. Thanks for reading.
Forum Resident
#2 Old 3rd May 2014 at 5:54 AM
Wish I had this a couple days ago... Made a Plumbdroid using the Simbot method, and now it's turned into a pure simbot after going to France... Maybe I should make a new plumbot, and make Tom the evil obsolete Android...
#3 Old 8th Aug 2014 at 4:12 AM
I have a problem
I did all that... it worked!

I made adult, young adult, and teen sim looking plumbots. Happy-happy-joy-joy!!

My teen plumbot was out after curfew, and the cop plumbot (they were in the future) busted him.

There were a few other unusual things... one of the descendents was a plumbot! That kinda threw me. They also had the usual Sim traits in addition to trait chips. I was able to delete the Sim traits using the NRASS master controller cheats.

Then they went back to Sunset Valley... and the teen plumbot became a real sim and was no longer a plumbot.

Just tried again after taking out all the NRASS mods and a young adult woman plumbot. Same thing - a young adult sim-looking plumbot became an ordinary boring sim - with NO sim traits.
#4 Old 25th Aug 2014 at 5:19 PM Last edited by GnatGoSplat : 12th Sep 2014 at 3:44 PM. Reason: Noticed massive grammar fail.
I just tried this over the weekend and it worked great... until I left Oasis Landing to return to Sunset Valley and came across the same issue. Returning home from Oasis Landing, my new Plumbdroid became a traitless sim. Not cool.
I actually do have MC installed, but thought this method sounded quicker especially since I didn't already have a pre-existing plumbot to change..

The workaround I found involved using MC, but it's possible there are other ways to do it. Mainly, you just want to get to the plumbot version of CAS with the plumbot bin. Any way you can get there will probably work.
This is what I did:
1. BEFORE traveling back home, using MC, take the plumbdroid into Stylist. Use 3-dots save to plumbot bin.
2. Now select any regular plumbot body. Accept changes and exit Stylist.
3. Travel back to home town. Plumbot will stay a plumbot.
4. When back home, using MC, take plumbot back into Stylist. Select the plumbdroid body from the bin, the one that was saved before traveling.

For me, this seemed to set some things up properly somewhere, to where now I can go to the future and back with my plumbdroid and she keeps her humanoid appearance. So I think this fix is only a one-time thing, although I haven't tried traveling anywhere else yet.

The reason for needing to save the plumbdroid to the bin before traveling back home, is it seems quality and trailt chips are also saved into the bin. When I changed my plumbdroid into a regular plumbot body from the bin, she lost her name and became Ultra quality with no trait chips. When I returned home and turned her back into a plumbdroid using the copy I'd saved into the bin, then she returned back to the same quality with the same trait chips as before. So I think it's necessary to save a new copy of the plumbdroid to the bin in order to keep stats.

Resident wet blanket.
Lab Assistant
#5 Old 26th Aug 2014 at 6:52 AM
I gotta try this when I get a chance.. although I do not often have luck using modding programs. Very cool, thanx for sharing!

Check out my Legacy Challenge:
Chapter 41: Do Babies Eat Sand?
Test Subject
#6 Old 12th Sep 2014 at 3:40 AM
wish this worked for me, tried it and it didn't replace the file, all I has was two floating eyes :/, oh well was a good effort.
#7 Old 12th Sep 2014 at 3:47 PM
It should work, double-check that your Group and Instance numbers of the SIMO file are the same as the original plumbot's SIMO file.

Resident wet blanket.
Test Subject
#8 Old 29th Sep 2014 at 9:41 AM
On may have to keep the copy of the Android template(s) in the Saved Sims folder as they appear to go to full human state travelling either way through the portal, and vacationing as well.
My Plumbots were built in Moonlight Falls rather than in Oasis Landing, one tuned up to Future Tech Level, the second created at that level.
Using the bot templates should allow one to toggle to a proper robot before travelling away from home and before returning home.
Other than the travel issue, it seems rather stable.

Nice work.
#9 Old 18th Jan 2015 at 4:42 AM
I had another problem: made a plumbot that looked like a human sim, but when she returned to the present from the future, it was badly screwed up - she was neither plumbot nor human sim, and couldn't be selected. I couldn't get my trait chips back, and she had the limitless learning trait chip and had leveled up on a lot of essential skills. I couldn't even use MC to euthanize the poor thing.

This is great and all, but when you go from the future to the present it has some serious issues.
Test Subject
#10 Old 19th Jan 2015 at 10:47 PM
Well, it worked - my plumbot looks like sim but side effects are not worth it:
1. Level went from 10 to 0.
2. Revising by creator doesn't change the need.
3. Sunlight stopped charging batteries after some time.
4. Moodlets stopped appearing after some time.
5. Plumot can now make any interaction with sim that an other sims could but plumbot shouldn't.
#11 Old 20th Jan 2015 at 9:07 PM
Quote: Originally posted by stuart-grey
I had another problem: made a plumbot that looked like a human sim, but when she returned to the present from the future, it was badly screwed up - she was neither plumbot nor human sim, and couldn't be selected. I couldn't get my trait chips back, and she had the limitless learning trait chip and had leveled up on a lot of essential skills. I couldn't even use MC to euthanize the poor thing.

This is great and all, but when you go from the future to the present it has some serious issues.

Post #4 above is what I did to get around this, and it seemed to work. I tried time travelling a few times afterwards and it seemed to be permament.

Resident wet blanket.
#12 Old 8th May 2015 at 8:19 AM
Yes, I'm going to use your method of packing away the plumbot before travel.

Anyone decode the SIME file for plumbots and sims completely yet? I really want a human looking plumbot that can change clothes. It looks to me like he SIME calls out one SIMO file for plumbots, and multiple for regular sims. Humm....
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 22nd Jun 2015 at 10:21 AM
You do not have to create the plumbot in the future guys. after you visit the future. you can drop everything to create plumbots in present time. probably can do it without going to future at all using mc.
Test Subject
#14 Old 30th Jun 2015 at 10:13 PM
I followed the steps and it worked. But the problem is when my bot came out of the machine it was naked. What did I do wrong here?
#15 Old 1st Jul 2015 at 12:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bastilla
I followed the steps and it worked. But the problem is when my bot came out of the machine it was naked. What did I do wrong here?

You just got lucky.

No, really. You have to pick the right "outfit" to give to your plumbot. There is generally one outfit (SIMO file) for each type: everyday, formal, etc + naked. I've not decoded which one is which.
Test Subject
#16 Old 1st Jul 2015 at 3:43 AM
Quote: Originally posted by stuart-grey
You just got lucky.

No, really. You have to pick the right "outfit" to give to your plumbot. There is generally one outfit (SIMO file) for each type: everyday, formal, etc + naked. I've not decoded which one is which.

The sim is a new sim I just download then I only set the clothing for everyday and save it. The rest I didn't touch. So you're saying I have to pick a SIMO edit one at a time until I find the right outfit? Or is there another easier
#17 Old 1st Jul 2015 at 3:53 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bastilla
The sim is a new sim I just download then I only set the clothing for everyday and save it. The rest I didn't touch. So you're saying I have to pick a SIMO edit one at a time until I find the right outfit? Or is there another easier

I never worry about which SIMO file, I just pick one and use NRAAS MC to edit it in CAS to get the clothes I want.

Too bad there isn't a way to make a plumbot that can have different outfits + naked outfit like a regular sim.

It kinda defeats the "make plumbots without MC" concept, tho'.
Test Subject
#18 Old 1st Jul 2015 at 7:46 AM
Quote: Originally posted by stuart-grey
I never worry about which SIMO file, I just pick one and use NRAAS MC to edit it in CAS to get the clothes I want.

Too bad there isn't a way to make a plumbot that can have different outfits + naked outfit like a regular sim.

It kinda defeats the "make plumbots without MC" concept, tho'.

Forgot to mention also the hairstyle came out different than the one I chose with everyday outfit. I thought I could change the outfit using CAS as what the writer said but I only get to change the body parts
#19 Old 1st Jul 2015 at 8:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by bastilla
Forgot to mention also the hairstyle came out different than the one I chose with everyday outfit. I thought I could change the outfit using CAS as what the writer said but I only get to change the body parts

Yeah, change the hair and the face disappears.

Talk about losing face!!
Test Subject
#20 Old 1st Jul 2015 at 11:11 PM
I finally found the SIMO file to the everyday outfit, after 8 tries. But when I went back to the present it changed back to normal sim. So I went into CAS, save the bot and changed the whole body easiest way is to pick a premade bot. Once back in present home go back to CAS and change back to the bot I save just now. Didn't even use MC
Field Researcher
#21 Old 16th Oct 2015 at 4:22 AM
Excellent work!!The only problem i have is that my sim even though its 100% android,the plumbot eye keed popping out from her forehead XD
Like this! http://s11.postimg.org/t1iadi0wj/Screenshot_10.jpg
Am i doing something wrong?Or maybe is it because i used custom sliders to create the specific sim.Anyway have wonderful day thank you so much for the effort!
Field Researcher
#23 Old 16th Oct 2015 at 5:15 PM
Yeashhh you are 100% right :D
It was the head model i was using!I tottaly agree the poping eye could end up with some cool results.Damn until i found the right head my lot became a pumbot cemetery!XD
And honestly from all ways to create a humanoid this one its the best!No stupid time travelers and simbots,i mean you can even edit in CAS!
Anyways thank you so much for the reply and for the suggestion on the glowing eye mod,i insta downloaded!!SO COOL *_*
Have a wonderful day!!!
Test Subject
#24 Old 5th Jan 2016 at 12:02 AM
This had me go craycray, it's such a wonderful and easy tut to follow! However, I can't get it to work.. I triple-checked I did this right. No custom bot showing up when I create a new one in the create-a-bot. Any thoughts? Help would be great, since I can't wrap my head around where I did wrong
Field Researcher
#25 Old 2nd Jul 2016 at 11:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by bastilla
I finally found the SIMO file to the everyday outfit, after 8 tries. But when I went back to the present it changed back to normal sim. So I went into CAS, save the bot and changed the whole body easiest way is to pick a premade bot. Once back in present home go back to CAS and change back to the bot I save just now. Didn't even use MC

Could you tell me which one is the Everyday Outfit, I tried this method of creating a Humanoid Plumbot but the outfit wasn't the one I wanted, I even spent a lot of time on creating that Everyday Outfit?
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