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#1 Old 8th May 2015 at 11:51 PM Last edited by Sims2Christain : 9th May 2015 at 12:50 AM.
Default Sexuality and marital ties.
Sexuality is a huge topic in today's society
Straight, Gay, bi etc
Children before or after marriage. Ie sexual purity till marriage
This Thread is to relate the world and our own ideas on sexual issues with what is written in the Bible

The one time that I created a Gay sim couple made me honestly want to throw up. I don't condemn the person but instead the act. It just doesn't seem right to me because of the God given idea of Marragie In the Bible being between a man and a woman. Being the earthly representative of Christ and his "bride" the Church

please share what you think of sexual issues.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 9th May 2015 at 3:33 PM
Oh Dear! Maybe the reason I never joined the Christians group before, was because I didn't fancy the task of trying to explain how there are so many gays in my game! Well here goes.

First I must say that in real life I'm not actively gay. Maybe if I was young today it would be different, but when I was young the churches were fairy unanimous in saying it was a sin. Moreover it had only just become legal. But in a sense I was tempted. But I never actually did it because I felt it was sinful, and therefore I'd be leading someone that I claimed to love into sin. But I admit I did fantasise about it, and I suppose committed what the Roman Catholics would call "sins of the flesh". But alone, never "with others".

I suppose it was inevitable that I would include gays in my game, and in fact Andrew Jones, the very first Sim I created, is gay. 3 or 4 weeks later I created Julian Moltke as a boyfriend for him. They have formed a stable faithful relationship, and, although they're still teens, I think they're together for life, but other gays in my game are more promiscuous. In the course of time I added a church, which is Anglican / Episcopalian, and I created the Rev. Elspeth Anderson as its priest. (In the Scottish Episcopal Church of my youth the terms "priest" and "minister" were virtually interchangeable, reflecting the church's "catholic but reformed" stance.) I think some people make their Sims clergy Knowledge, but I made Elspeth Popularity with high Nice points. I wanted her to go out and befriend and care for the people of Veronaville rather than sit in the Rectory studying. I can't remember whether I deliberately introduced her to Andrew and Julian, or whether they met by chance, but I was pleased that they did meet as I wanted to explore the relationship between gays and the church in my game. I don't know if it makes any sense to talk about Sims being Christians, but, attending services regularly, Andrew and Julian are at the very least serious enquirers. Have they been challenged in their relationship to each other? Well in an early visit to the Rectory, Andrew cursed God (which really worried me). (I have KevinHope's wall cross hanging in the Rev. Elspeth's study, and it offers a number of autonomous interactions including this one.) Was it because he felt God was challenging his relationship? Andrew's action brought about immediate and rather scary retribution, but God is merciful and (to my immense relief) Andrew emerged unharmed, if shaken. On his last visit to the Rectory he was praying for forgiveness before the same cross. The Rev. Elspeth, whose theology probably reflects my own, believes in meeting people where they are in their lives, and not condemning them. In truth she may be having problems with her own sexuality, so she really can't condemn anyone else. She has met other members of the gay community too. If you've looked at my Simblr, you'll see her trying to counsel Amar Larrea (Family aspiration), who has been hurt in relationships with some of the more promiscuous gays. And one of those has also been in contact with her. How this will all work out remains open.

Well I wonder what you make of me trying to explore these issues in The Sims 2. These issues are beginning to affect my own church. The Anglican church is being split over the issue, and I can see both sides of the argument. And, at the end of the day I don't think it's an important enough issue to split the church. But, a few weeks ago we had a young man training for the ministry on a secondment to our church. He was in a civil partnership with another man. And he preached on the issue, which must have been hard. After the sermon there was communion. And, to my surprise, I felt uncomfortable about taking the communion bread from him. I think I didn't want his hand to touch mine. The following imaginary exchange with my Sim Andrew took place (I do treat him as an imaginary friend):
Andrew: "You'd take my hand if I offered it, wouldn't you?"
Me: "Of course, Andrew."
Andrew: "Then take the bread from him!"
Which, of course, I did. So I think my Sims can sometimes help me in real life. But I think I'm even more confused over the issue than my Sims are. I think I have to be just as accepting to real life gays, even in the church, as I am to my gay Sims. In a sense it was simpler when all the churches said it was sinful. It seems odd though that it would have been sinful if I'd done it, but it's ok for other people to do it. But I do believe that for each of us the most important sins are our own. So, I'd say to Christians, "If you're not even tempted to commit a sin, that sin's not a problem to you. Concentrate on the ones that you commit." As Jesus put it, "Judge not that ye be not judged." For me, homosexuality possibly is a problem, because I'm tempted by it, but it's not for me to judge, far less condemn. And, like Elspeth, the priest in my game, I should meet and accept people where they are in their lives, and leave judgement to God.

Well, that's taken me a long while to write, and it's probably the most difficult thing I've ever written, certainly the most difficult thing I've said online. I think I've used the MTS Christians group as the confessional and admitted things I've never admitted to anyone on earth before. What I do with my Sims may indeed be displeasing to God, but I think I'm also trying to use them to explore some difficult issues. Please be as merciful to me as I believe Jesus will be.

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Original Poster
#3 Old 10th May 2015 at 10:19 AM

I'll admit that even though I have never actually had any real conversation with any openly Gay person, and hate seeing people being Gay
there was a point in my life where I questioned my own sexuality and though I was Gay.
That is probably the main reason why I cannot make Gay Sims, due to my own problems with sexuality.
But God lifted me from that and protected me from my thoughts, he showed me that I am not gay.

We live in a non Christian world that thinks marriage is not meant to last forever. No issue should split the Church, not Gay versus Straight not black vs white not Jew vs Gentile, Paul said that in Christ we are united as one.

I still love watching a husband and wife Sim get married.
I think that I need to create Gay Sims now as it might help me see the person (or Sim) more than the act.

What you have said is amazing especially about concentrating on the sins we commit after all as Jesus said the (i think) the Pharisees "how can you point out the speck in your brothers eye when you can't even see the one in your own!"
as in how can I condemn gay people when I didn't think it was wrong once in my life.

and I feel that using Sims to explore difficult issues is Good because we don't always feel that we can tell other people, so we try to understand using Sims.
Original Poster
#4 Old 13th May 2015 at 8:33 AM
If Sims could revolt they would, we Christian or not tend to treat them badly to understand our own lives and the world around us.
Forum Resident
#5 Old 27th May 2015 at 7:46 PM
I have very few gay sims. Not because I have an issue with it, but because my sims usually have a lot of babies (planned and unplanned). When I do have gay couples, I have one (or both) of them abducted. Mostly, though, it just doesn't fit in with my story lines. In real life, I believe it's none of my business. If it is a sin, then God will deal with it. It's between them and God and not for me to judge. I have my own sins to contend with! I do think it is sad that we have, as a society, come to such animosity over it. I blame both sides. The outspoken Christians who condemn people for it are not changing hearts and minds for Christ. The outspoken gays who try to force people to accept it are not changing hearts and minds either. Compassion is the answer. For Christians, get someone to come to Christ first. Jesus will take care of the rest. You can't force unbelievers to conform to Christian ideals. Have compassion and try to understand their struggles. We certainly have our own struggles. For gays, you can't force people to accept your lifestyle. Have compassion and try to understand that their conscience dictates that they try to conform to biblical teaching (notice I said TRY to conform). ****steps off soap box and cowers in corner waiting to be hit with disagrees***
Original Poster
#6 Old 29th May 2015 at 10:37 AM
<pulls venusking up out of the corner, thanks venusking and starts post>

Condemn is a hard word, I explained why I wrote that I "condemned" Gays in post#3
More of pointing out the speck in another's eye instead of seeing past my own.

My first two Gay couples (even while I now see being gay as a sin) are happy together and are planning to be local church goers.
Forum Resident
#7 Old 29th May 2015 at 4:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Christain
<pulls venusking up out of the corner, thanks venusking and starts post>

Condemn is a hard word, I explained why I wrote that I "condemned" Gays in post#3
More of pointing out the speck in another's eye instead of seeing past my own.

My first two Gay couples (even while I now see being gay as a sin) are happy together and are planning to be local church goers.

Actually, I wasn't thinking about you when I wrote that post. I was talking about those people who actively/publicly say hateful things while professing to be Christian. It's one thing to disagree with someone's lifestyle (we have to disagree with sin), it's another to hold up signs saying 'gays are going to hell' at some public protest. And those people who kick gays out of the church (how are they going to come to Christ if they can't come to church?) And those preachers on tv who constantly preach about homosexuality to the exclusion of all other sins. That's what I mean by outspoken Christians condemning gays. You don't seem like one of those.
Original Poster
#8 Old 30th May 2015 at 4:07 AM
Okay, I take things too personally (as we all do) some of the time.

One thing that bothers me about the virgin birth is the contraception of Jesus before Joseph married Mary.

Contraception generally leads to children, so had they not been married Christ would have been born out of marriage.
I know that Joseph wanted to quietly cancel the marriage, but why was it important for Jesus to have Joseph as his Earthly Adoptive Father.
Forum Resident
#9 Old 31st May 2015 at 1:15 AM
If Joseph HAD decided to call off the wedding, it would seem like he didn't believe it was a virgin conception. Then Mary would be disgraced and no one would listen to Jesus. Besides, in those days, unmarried women didn't have a source of income or independent status (especially unmarried women with children). They either stayed with their parents or got married (or became prostitutes). Joseph was necessary to provide for Mary and to give her status as a respectable woman. He also needed a father to teach him a trade and get him work in that trade. He didn't start preaching full time until he was around 30. Before that, he had to make a living. In those days, husbands/fathers were essential.
Original Poster
#10 Old 31st May 2015 at 11:00 PM
Thank you, that clears that up for me

This shows I need to read the Bible more!
Forum Resident
#11 Old 13th Jun 2015 at 5:40 PM
@Venusking that is very true. I think that's why Joseph wanted to divorce Mary without making a big hooplah about it. Thankfully, God told him to keep Mary because the Child she carried was His Son, and she was still a virgin.

I never play gay sims because of what the Bible says about homosexuality. If the Bible didn't condemn it, I probably would. Same reason why my sims never have premarital sex. (I did that once in the sims and felt so guilty, and never did it again.) I don't hate gays because I have a married lesbian cousin and I have been questioning in the distant past. So I guess I am more compassionate toward them than most of my family.

And @Venusking again, I definitely agree that homosexuality is no different than adultery, or lying, or any other sins. And that you can't force unbelievers to change. After all, it's not fair to force them to conform to Christian standards because they don't have the Holy Spirit strengthening them and guiding them like we do! (And we struggle even though we have the Holy Spirit!) We shouldn't compromise the Bible's teaching to draw people to the church, but picketing funerals and shouting hate speech isn't the Godly approach either! We have to hate the sin, love the sinner. You know?

*steps off soapbox before getting stoned with disagrees*

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Original Poster
#12 Old 14th Jun 2015 at 1:00 AM
What's up with standing on soap boxes?
I'm pretty sure that I installed an "I Object" Litigator podium about 2 months ago.

So what's people's thoughts on abortion?
It is kind of related here.
In Exodus 22:16
The law for the Hebrew people states about if a man is to sleep with a virgin who isn't pledge to be married he must pay the woman's father the bride price and get married to her.

I know that doesn't affect us today, but it got me wondering about the mothers who have been raped and such. I am not saying that the child should die for the sins of the father, but rather what goes through the poor woman's head about the child and her/his lineage.

I know it is the taking of a life and is thus murder, I also understand that it is easy to talk about something that you don't face.

If I have asked something too personal please feel free to hit disagree.
Forum Resident
#13 Old 16th Jun 2015 at 4:37 AM
That's a really tough subject. You are right - it is easy to talk about it when you are not the one in the situation. It's easy to say 'it's wrong' and 'just have the baby' when you are not the pregnant one. On the other hand, it is also easy to say 'it's no big deal, just a clump of cells' when you are not the one in the abortion clinic facing it. Nevertheless, people say things like that all the time. It's not going to become illegal again so it's a real waste of time pressing for such laws. The best we can hope for is curbing later-term abortions. So, let's concentrate on spreading the gospel instead. If someone has truly accepted Jesus, they are not likely to have an abortion. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but it's less likely. And there are some atheists that would never consider an abortion. Forcing anyone to comply sure isn't going to work, hence all those illegal abortions in the past. In the end, it is the woman's decision, so let's make sure that woman knows God's love...and forgiveness.
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 30th Nov 2015 at 3:44 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sims2Christain
Sexuality is a huge topic in today's society
Straight, Gay, bi etc
Children before or after marriage. Ie sexual purity till marriage
This Thread is to relate the world and our own ideas on sexual issues with what is written in the Bible

The one time that I created a Gay sim couple made me honestly want to throw up. I don't condemn the person but instead the act. It just doesn't seem right to me because of the God given idea of Marragie In the Bible being between a man and a woman. Being the earthly representative of Christ and his "bride" the Church

please share what you think of sexual issues.

actually no Money is a taboo subject than sex because men really like to talk about sex than money, asking someone's salary is really rude....
Test Subject
#16 Old 12th Mar 2017 at 4:09 AM
I know this is an old thread I am commenting on but I have to say that I agree all sexual sin is immoral to God. I think because homosexuals tend to be more out with how they feel it gets so much attention. We should have love for all and minister Gods love to them (and anyone else who needs it) I do a lot of ministering to people and a lot of homosexual people have told me that they know what they are doing is wrong but they have always felt that way and they were born like that. I guess that is why we must be born again. If we were perfect Gods could not have his perfect work in us
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