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#1 Old 23rd Jun 2016 at 8:37 AM
Default Making a recolour for a painting which has no recolour options...
(First of all, English isn't my native language, so I apologize for possible nonsense...)

I'm a novice in recolouring objects, this is actually my first painting project ever (and it seems to be the last also *laughs*)

So there are these University posters in TS3, resource name paintingPostersUniversity. There are 3 possible variations in game but they are not actual recolours, they are just like 3 different posters with their own thumbnails in every one of them.
I would like to recolor one of these posters so I can get my own custom image on my sim's wall. Actually I want her to have 4 custom image posters on her wall.

So this is where we meet a problem... I would like to have one of those posters with my own custom image. So far so good, I've managed to replace the llama poster with custom image and made it appear in the game. BUT as I said, I want 4 custom images to be used. To save some time, space etc I want them to be in one single file, just the four custom posters in one poster's recolors. So no four different custom posters, just one with four recolors.

As I told you, the original poster has 3 variations but no recolors. How can I make an university poster with four recolours?
#2 Old 23rd Jun 2016 at 3:57 PM
What programs are you using?

To make an object CAStable, I personally use S3OC and TextureTweaker (direct dl link ).
If TextureTweaker doesn't work (resource handler error), if you have winrar, you can do a Repair (Tools > Repair archive) on the file. Extract again. And now it should work.

1) Clone your object with S3OC.

2) With TextureTweaker, open your package. Click on it in the list. Click Upgrade to 4 channel CASTable.

3) Doing this will create a CASt presets tab at the top of the window. You can now create different presets!

4) Click on the 'Images in package' tab, it will list all the images present in your package (and I just discovered there are some unused one for the University poster...interesting!).

5) Import the images you want to use for the different presets or Click on the image you want to overwrite and Edit it (import to overwrite).

6) Go to the 'CASt presets' tab. Here you'll see the 1st preset (preset 0). Duplicate it and you'll obtain preset 1 in the drop down menu at the top.

7) Just edit the images (crayon icon), use Choose image from current package (if you don't want to overrite it). Don't forget to Commit after you're done with the changes!

8) Save your package and it should be done!

There are other ways, but when it works, I find that's the fastest for me.
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