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#1 Old 10th Dec 2017 at 12:36 AM
Default Deco Buildings or Non Routable Shells?
I'm building a large world. I want my city to look like a crowded, bustling city without using too many lots as I read having too many lots is bad for performance. I found some deco buildings (they're surprisingly hard to track down) but they don't blend in with the shells from Late Night very well. So would my game's performance do better with me placing deco buildings, or is it ok to place the Late Night shells in CAW and paint the non-routable marks around them?

PS I don't know if I'm in the right forum or not. Sorry!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 10th Dec 2017 at 6:53 AM
If you plan to share this world I would stay away from the deco buildings as CC. If you use the EA ones and do nothing inside I am not sure why they would need to be nonroutable as there would be no reason/way for sims to use them as far as I know. If any problems in testing, you could just place one room and lock the door? My guess though is sims would never even try to enter them, and they should not generate inside them.
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#3 Old 10th Dec 2017 at 5:28 PM
I don't think I plan to share it, I just didn't know if the game would recognize the shell as a place sims can go even if there's nothing inside. I will be sure to test it but I trust that you're right and it'll be nothing but an empty shell to help with the city ambiance. Thanks!!
dodgy builder
#4 Old 11th Dec 2017 at 11:28 AM
I would make it unroutable since it may look a bit odd if sims run straight through it.
#5 Old 12th Dec 2017 at 7:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SeemGeem
I'm building a large world. I want my city to look like a crowded, bustling city without using too many lots as I read having too many lots is bad for performance. I found some deco buildings (they're surprisingly hard to track down) but they don't blend in with the shells from Late Night very well. So would my game's performance do better with me placing deco buildings, or is it ok to place the Late Night shells in CAW and paint the non-routable marks around them?

I tried that and then reverted back to using deco buildings. The problem with the Late Night shells is that they disappear when you get closer to them and that didn't look nice to me. Sandy from the Around The Sims 3 has converted deco buildings from the Sims 4. They're very good quality and I use some of them in my WIP.
#6 Old 18th Dec 2017 at 12:46 PM
Sandy did that?? Woah.....that's great stuff! I was waiting for someone to do something like this....
I'll definitely use these in my FlatLand hood...

Can't find stuff in build and buy mode? http://www.nexusmods.com/thesims3/mods/1/?
Mad Poster
#7 Old 18th Dec 2017 at 1:57 PM
Sandy's TS4 conversions are always really nice. There's some stylistic inconsistencies with the Late Night buildings, but that's 100% EA's fault.

insert signature here
( Join my dumb Discord server if you're into the whole procrastination thing. But like, maybe tomorrow. )
dodgy builder
#8 Old 18th Dec 2017 at 3:58 PM
Very nice buildings, thanks for the link.
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Original Poster
#9 Old 21st Dec 2017 at 1:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by varpunen
I tried that and then reverted back to using deco buildings. The problem with the Late Night shells is that they disappear when you get closer to them and that didn't look nice to me. Sandy from the Around The Sims 3 has converted deco buildings from the Sims 4. They're very good quality and I use some of them in my WIP.

I forgot about the dissapearing part. Totally ruins what I'm aiming for. but that doesn't matter because you've given me that gorgeous link to solve my problem! Thank you SO much! Buildings that fit with the EA shells, light up at night and don't vanish <3
Mad Poster
#10 Old 21st Dec 2017 at 6:44 AM
skycrappers!!!!! LOL
#11 Old 22nd Dec 2017 at 12:11 AM
Quote: Originally posted by SeemGeem
I forgot about the dissapearing part. Totally ruins what I'm aiming for. but that doesn't matter because you've given me that gorgeous link to solve my problem! Thank you SO much! Buildings that fit with the EA shells, light up at night and don't vanish <3

You're welcome. Glad I could help.
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