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#1 Old 3rd Feb 2019 at 3:27 PM
Default Pit of Judgement broken
So, at some point I ran into a problem, that my Pit of Judgement stopped working completely. You can click it, choose "Jump into pit", the sim will come to the wooden dock itself, and the action would get cancelled.

I tried force resetting the pit after activating the TestingCheatsEnabled, that didn't help. EA support didn't offer anything useful either(they suggested repairing the game via origin and clearing cache etc, none of that worked).

At some point I remembered that long time ago I accidentally changed the profession of the keeper of Judgement Pit to Bard while playing around with the extra interactions available after enabling the TestingCheats. (As it happened a long time ago, finding the old save before I made the fatal mistake ain't possible.) I figured this may have been the source of the issue (why pit ain't working anymore). Reverting the sim back to it's initial profession isn't possible, so I thought maybe by killing this sim, the game will spawn a new Judgement Pit Keeper and the pit will start working again. Needed to use Grim's Medieval Core to kill the sim, as otherwise game just won't let me kill him. Unfortunately, this didn't fix the pit and no pit keeper spawned.

I don't know if anything can be done to fix the pit or if my kingdom is doomed and I'd have to start a new one to have the pit working.
I'd really appreciate any help or suggestions.
Thank you.
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