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#1 Old 15th Apr 2019 at 11:06 PM
Default Objects staying snapped to surface when I try to delete it.

So I already know how to freely place items by using MoveObjects cheat and holding alt. That's not my problem. My problem is when I want to move JUST the desk or JUST the counter, or delete JUST the desk or JUST the counter, everything on top of the desk or counter moves/deletes with it. I want to know how can I move the counter individually. That way I can put more clutter on top like you're suppose to be able to. But every time I grab the desk or table or counter, EVERYTHING moves with it. If I try to delete it, EVERYTHING connected deletes it. yet when I watch building tutorials, no one else seems to have this problem. I see them moving the surface item out from under all the clutter or deleting just the surface item ALL the time.

Thanks. If someone needs a video to explain this better. Just let me know
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