30th May 2021 at 12:54 AM
Last edited by ekrubynaffit : 6th Jun 2021 at
3:21 PM.
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Chance cards issuing incorrect value
I'm finally nearly done with my career, have tested it and all things are correct except for the value given from chance cards. I have a card that gives $1500 and the text is correctly written, and in Bidous career editor displays the correct amount, but in game it gives $150000 The bad optionis to lose $1500 and its taking away $150000. All the other cards in the monetary value of 100s are fine, Last chance card gives or takes $10000, haven't yet got up to testing that one to see if it's doing the same! Does anyone know why it's not giving the correct amount in game? Thanks
Tested the last and its giving a million dollars!! Really what not I want. Took down the values to be in the 150 for chance card 9 and 1000 chance card 10 and they are still giving 150,000 and 1000000 in game, so not sure what is causing it!!
*2nd edit
Today I redid the whole career to a fresh base career, and everything is coming up roses until I get to level 7, 8 and 9 and then it issues large amounts of money no matter the decimal value. So it doesnt matter if I have 1, 2 or 3 digit numbers inputed, it issues it in the thousands for 1 digit. 10s of thousands for 2 digits and millions for 3 digits! But level 10 is working perfectly! It really makes no sense and, please if anyone who has made a career can shine a little light on the subject, that would be great!!
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