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#1 Old 8th Aug 2021 at 5:32 AM Last edited by LauraBow : 8th Aug 2021 at 6:49 AM. Reason: Title tweak
Default AMD Radeon RX 480 recommended settings?
TS3 is the first game where I've needed to pay attention to the individual settings for my graphics card and I don't know where to start! From what I've read, it sounds like my FPS is running high. When I check the graphics card after playing with the default "Gaming" profile settings, it tells me everything's great with an FPS of 1,400+. All in-game graphics settings are on high and the game looks/runs nice. If I change the VSync settings, it's a little less at 84+, but then Radeon's software is telling me about graphics improvements in its Advisor part of the software, and I notice rendering takes longer in-game.

I like to think the Radeon software is doing its job and if it's "Excellent" with a high FPS, then things are excellent, but I also know programs might just be telling me what I want to hear.

Processor: AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor, 4.0 GHz
Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX 480
System: Windows 10, 64-bit
Purchased: Almost 4 years ago
Time playing TS3 as of this post: 4 months

My questions:
1. Do I need to formally change any settings, or am I fine to continue with the default "Gaming" profile setting?
2. If the answer to #1 is "Yes, make changes," aside from the VSync, anything else that should be modified or tweaked?

I attached screenshots showing the default Gaming profile, as well as when I modified the VSync setting.

You'll notice at the top under Game Compatibility it tells me, "Does not meet minimum requirements." When I click on them, it tells me I need a better graphics card and CPU. While I won't deny those are good upgrades (someday), part of me wonders if that's just AMD software not fully recognizing TS3.

Sims 3: Laura Bow, Lillian Prune, and Steve Dorian by me!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#3 Old 8th Aug 2021 at 12:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
Can you post your deviceconfig from your TS3 user folder, just the part with your GPU/CPU information. If you haven't fix this part, it is recommended that you b/c the proper manufacturer settings will trigger certain keys in the graphics setting.

However, truth is, this game is so old it really doesn't matter. I honestly doubt anything you do in the setting will affect the performance much other than the game engine itself. Just make sure you grab a copy of the most recent smoothness mod that just came out.

That being said, you need to set the FPS b/c TS3 doesn't have a FPS limiter and runaway FPS can burn your GPU. Nvidia users use Nvidia Inspector to control the FPS, most AMD users use 3rd party. But if your driver supports FPS limiting, which is what I am seeing, you should set it on. I think 60 FPS is generally good for most people. I run at 30 in windowed mode. This isn't exactly an action game, so you really don't need anything above 60. Besides, there are so many internal game hiccups from unroutable sims and stuff, you can't maintain a smooth FPS anyways.

You can turn on vsync etc... to smooth out your game.

Thanks, @nitromon - Info is below. I have a feeling this applies to the Graphics Rules I've read about, but haven't looked into, since I wasn't getting the error that triggers a need to change those settings.

Strange thing happened when I was done for today: FPS was at 221.6. This matches what I was seeing when I used the FPS On cheat in-game. The only difference with this play session vs. others for the screenshots in my previous post is I didn't play with anyone on vacation. Wonder if the types of towns or play styles can make a difference.

=== Rating info ===
GPU: 5 GPU Memory: 1 CPU: 4 RAM: 4 CPU Speed: 4019 Threading: 3
Adjusted CPU: 4959 RAM: 8150 Adjusted RAM: 7638 Cores: 8
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows 8 6.2.9200
OS prod type: 0
OS major ver: 6
OS minor ver: 2
OS SP major ver: 0
OS SP minor ver: 0
OS is 64Bit: 1
CPU: AuthenticAMD
Brand: AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor
Family: 15
Model: 2
Cores: 8
HT: 0
x64: 0
Memory: 8150MB
Free memory: 5260MB

=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics
Name (database): Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics [Found: 0, Matched: 0]
Vendor: ATI
Chipset: Vendor: 1002, Device: 67df, Board: 94801682, Chipset: 00c7
Driver: aticfx32.dll, Version: 27.20.22001.14011, GUID: D7B71EE2-249F-11CF-8943-71E17CC2D635
Driver version: 14011
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Texture memory: 32MB <<OVERRIDE>>
Vertex program: 3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Hardware TnL: 1

Sims 3: Laura Bow, Lillian Prune, and Steve Dorian by me!
#5 Old 8th Aug 2021 at 11:32 PM
I haven't noticed any difference, actually I think it runs a little better when it is limited, like it can't figure out how to handle all that FPS and the game rendered slower. When I first got my laptop I downloaded and ran the game for a little to make sure it installed right and the fps was running at 200+. After I tested that I have mine limited to 60 and it looks and runs fine. I prefer to not fry my computers, I can't afford to be replacing it, especially since it was a gift from my son.
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Original Poster
#6 Old 10th Aug 2021 at 8:58 AM
Graphics settings have been updated and FPS has been limited. Average is 72.8. Currently experimenting with a range vs. setting the max. and min. at 60 or 65. Rendering is improved - less "white boxes" and if they do appear, it's very brief instead of a few seconds, which is great.

Sims 3: Laura Bow, Lillian Prune, and Steve Dorian by me!
#8 Old 10th Aug 2021 at 12:45 PM Last edited by Moraelin : 10th Aug 2021 at 12:59 PM.
Or you could just activate the LargeSystemCache option in Windows if you have tons of RAM, and let it keep everything it can in RAM. You don't actually need to futz around with ram drives and whatnot, when Windows already has a perfectly good mechanism of keeping disk data in RAM.

Though at 8 GB RAM as per the OP, neither is really that great an option. Just letting the Windows cache do the job as it is, is probably the best choice there.
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