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#1 Old 5th Dec 2021 at 7:58 AM
Default How do you deal with premades in relationships in university &greek houses
I'm playing in the Sim State University for Pleasantview and I played the Bright household until Jane Stacks graduated (she is a semester or two ahead of the freshman) and she is engaged to Castor Nova (a frat house member). Also I moved Jane Stacks into one of the one bedroom houses on campus because I'm using Lamare's not have to move out after graduating mod. How does everyone deal with different ages for college relationships? Also If I play the frat house until Castor graduates, the other frat members will have also graduated and I'm not sure what to do with the greek house after this. Has this happened to anyone else?
Mad Poster
#3 Old 6th Dec 2021 at 1:02 AM
Quote: Originally posted by greenlizard42
If I play the frat house until Castor graduates, the other frat members will have also graduated and I'm not sure what to do with the greek house after this. Has this happened to anyone else?
I think you have to move a couple of younger students into the frat house to keep it going.

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#4 Old 6th Dec 2021 at 1:53 AM
Since University is my favorite expansion, and I like having lots of students on campus, and I play consistent rotations, this has never been a problem. The Greeks are an easy way to cycle through dormies so you wind up with fewer YAs with love tags for elders causing their families to form enmities with people "cheating" on their grandparents, and if I'm not interested in them when they graduate, I can turn them back into townies. If you don't want to include University play in your regular rotation, you only need one dormie placeholder to keep a Greek open until playables return. When relationships form between students in different years whom I intend to play, the older one graduates, moves in somewhere, starts their adult life, and the couple either marries when the younger one graduates, or drifts apart, just like real couples.

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#5 Old 7th Dec 2021 at 1:37 AM
My rule is that sims at university that form strong relationships with playables (whether romantic or not) graduate with those sims, while everyone else just waits until they do. If they're a playable uni sim, like the ones at the Greek houses, that means their household will be played with the others, while dormies tend to remain dormies until their best friend/lover graduates, when they move in (and become a townie if necessary). I keep track of how old various townies who've become lovers and/or close friends to playables should be, and age them up appropriately.

So far it's worked well - Philip Grunt (aka Ripp) turned his three dormie lovers into downtownies (and in fact two of them are now playable, and the third one probably will be too shortly). Francis Worthington graduated with Jill Smith and Brian Grunt (aka Buck) and is now married to Jill. Stella Terrano joined Sirius Curious (Pascal's first alien baby) in my newly built dorm and they're now graduated and engaged, and Cassiopeia Curious (Vidcund's alien baby) moved in her dormie boyfriend Robin Landchild once she graduated.

As for the Greek Houses, I haven't run into that issue yet as I've only been playing them for a year and a half (four playables started uni that year and I have various relationships planned/ happening). I will probably put dormie placeholders in at various points as not all playables go to uni, or want to be part of the Greek house if they do, so I'm anticipating a couple of years of empty girls' house and several empty years for the boys' house once the current lot graduate.
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#6 Old 7th Dec 2021 at 5:14 AM
Where I have a megahood that includes La Fiesta Tech, Sim State University and Land Grant University and I love to play the pre-mades I play them all and they graduate and find adult lives. For Greek houses though I usually would let them become empty and not play them anymore, instead just using dorms and on campus housing. I am going to try to keep the LGU Greek houses going though (but the other ones are forever empty probably, I just can't handle that much Greek House-ness). However next round I will have to play them to graduate some Sims but after that i'm hoping to just leave the Sims left in there for who knows how long until I feel like playing them. Will it make sense? No. But I don't care. My game my rules (or lack there of).

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#7 Old 7th Dec 2021 at 10:20 AM
I play pre-mades if they are a romantic interest of one of my payables. Or I would simply age them up after a certain amount of time. So it's possible I would play such a Greek house if I wanted them to all age up. If no playable was interested I would let them sit until another batch of Uni students came through and try again. I rather like Jane though so I would be actively trying to marry her in rather than just play, graduate and age her up. If she was 'left on the shelf' twice I would turn her into an adult townie and hope while she is an adult that a playable likes her enough to have her move in.

To me that is fresh DNA, I need that in my hood for my playable. Playables can all end up related rather quickly if fresh DNA isn't used. I would never put Jane with Castor since that would be two unrelated sims DNA going to 'waste'. If I didn't care about the pre-made at all (Sorry castor) then townie land they will go and sometimes quite a bit later I would age them to elder and move them into my retirement village. I don't like the non-ageing of any sims that can be aged but I am not in a huge rush to do so. All the townies (mine are all hand made or aged up no pre-made townies) have a chance of marrying in.

I play young Adults in the main hood a lot too, so if the relationship was with one of those I would have to move her out of the Greek house since I would not be interested in playing the others from her Greek house. They have the same chance though through player romantic interest or later on becoming an adult townie to an elder townie and finally going to my townie retirement home -they get played there until they die.

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