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#1 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 4:51 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 25th Oct 2022 at 4:53 PM.
Default TS4 to TS3 Animation Conversion Tutorial
This Tutorial Will Cover :
  • Converting animations from TS4 game
  • Converting S4 Toddler & Children animations
  • Converting Custom S4 animations

This Tutorial Will NOT Cover :
  • Setting up Blender for TS3 (use this tutorial, this and TS3 Clip Tool 2.1 (Blender Plugin) here)

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#2 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 6:04 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 17th Feb 2022 at 6:07 PM.
Converting animations from TS4 game
Step 1 : We are going to extract TS4 animation we want in a .blend format.
- Launch S4Studio

Note : Do this step if you don't already have a project listed under "My Projects"
- Set up S4Studio

Add your creator name here

Click on "Settings"

Set up your Blender & Sim 4 game path.

Now that this is done, click the "Clip Pack" button under "Animation" and after that click on the "Animation" button.

Create a save file for the package, for this tutorial I named it "Test".

This is what you'll see :

Select the "Clips" tab.

Click the "EA Clip" button.

Note : Here you must select the "age" group you want for the animation (but the gender is not important)

Note : We're almost there, you're about to have access to all TS4 game animations (if you own the EPs, packs etc...)
- Press "Export"

The list of all TS4 game animations pops and we are going to select the first one for this tutorial (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1_x).

As you can see, this is how we get the .blend file we need for our animation (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1)
- Press "Save"

Note : You can double click on .blend files to see what the animations look like in Blender.
- Here is our animation in a .blend format

Step 2 : We are going to turn our .blend into a Sims 3 animation file.
- Launch Blender 2.79

Note : If you did the Setting up Blender part, you have what are called rigs.
- Open the Sims 4 to Sims 3 RIG.

File > Open > RigBase ts4 to ts3_FACE_V2.blend

This is what a rig looks like and this one is the Sims 4 to Sims 3 RIG (RigBase ts4 to ts3_FACE_V2.blend)

Note : Zoom it out using the mouse scroll.

Now we are going to add our S4 animation .blend to the RIG (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1).
- Click "Append"

- Click on our .Blend file.

- Then click "Action" and select the animation.

- Finally select our animation (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1).

- Click "Append from Library".

It takes us back here.
- On your keybord, Press "A" twice (the RIG turns blue) then press 'I'.

- "Animation" now appears under the RIG on the right.

- Right click "Animation" and select "Set Action".

- Click on our animation (a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1).

- Our animation can now be played.

- Click on RIG to see all the coloured left part appear.

- If the animation stutters, place your cursor under the coloured stripes, " press "A" twice and "V" then select "Auto-Clamped".

- Correct the timeline lenght to your liking by changing the number in the "End" section.

- Now click on the little eye next to RIG to make it disappear.

- And click on the little eye next to AfRig to unhide it.

- Then click on the AfRig.

Play the animation and stop it at the end.
- After that press A (the RIG turns blue) and press "I" to put a keyframe at the end of the TimeLine.

This is the final step !
- Export as a Sims 3 animation with a name starting with "a_" because this is an adult animation.

I called it a_ageUp_adultToElder_part1

Choose where you want to save it and click "Save Sims 3 animation"

Here is what we obtain : a CLIP file that can be added to the Sims 3 game

Next we will see what our new Sims 3 animation looks like on a Sims 3 RIG.
- Open the AfRig or the AmRig

- Click on "Load Clip".

Find our Sims 3 animation and click on "Import Sims 3 Animation"

You can now play our animation on a Sims 3 RIG to see if everything is ok. You don't need to save it if you don't change anything, just quite Blender.

Note that there is often a problem with the S4 to S3 eyes animation.
- This short tutorial talks about it.

This S4 to S3 animation conversion tutorial ends here.
- This tutorial explains how to load our CLIP animation to the S3 game.
Original Poster
#3 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 8:49 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 17th Feb 2022 at 6:08 PM.
Converting S4 Toddler & Children animations
  • In this part I'm only going to add the few extra steps required in S4Studio.
  • And we will learn how to convert adult to toddler/children animations in Blender.

Refer to Step 1 of :
Converting animations from TS4 game

Back to exporting TS4 game animations in S4Studio, the only thing you do differently is that you will export toddler or children animations.
- Select "toddler" or "children".

Note : Children animations start with "c_".

Note : Toddler animations start with "p_".

Once you have the .blend file for our toddler or children animation, refer to Step 2 of :
Converting animations from TS4 game

Note : Follow the whole Blender part up until you play the Sims 3 animation on a Sims 3 RIG.

Step 3 : Now all we have to do is convert the Sims 3 animation from the adult Sims 3 RIG to a toddler/child RIG.
- Press "A" to turn the RIG blue.

Note : I'll be showing you the steps with the male RIG (AmRig) because it's the same for both genders.
- Click "Key" > "Copy KeyFrames"

Now we are going to add a toddler/child RIG.
- Go to "File" and "Append".

Here we select the RIG we want, CuRig for child, PuRig for toddler.
- Click on CuRig or PuRig.

- After that click on "Object".

Now you select all the files starting with "Cu" or "Pu".
- And click "Append fro library".

This it what you see.

- Click on the "PuRig" or "CuRig".

- Click on "Object Mode".

- And select "Pose Mode".

- Place your cursor next to the two RIGS.

- Then press "A" (the Pu/CuRig turns blue), then press "I" and choose "LocRot".

- This is what we see.

- Now click "Key" and "Paste keyframes".

- This is what we see.

- Click on the adult RIG (AmRig/AfRig).

- Then click on "Pose Mode".

- Select "Object Mode".

Place your cursor next to the two RIGS.
- And on your keybord press delete and click "Delete".

This is what you see.

- Press "A" and you can now play the animation !

- Click on the "PuRig" or "CuRig" so it turns blue.

- Export as a Sims 3 animation.

- Name the animation starting with "c_" if it's a child animation, "p_" for a toddler animation.

This S4 to S3 Toddler & Children animation conversion tutorial ends here.
- This tutorial explains how to load our CLIP animation to the S3 game.
Original Poster
#4 Old 15th Feb 2022 at 8:51 PM Last edited by FloTheory : 16th Feb 2022 at 5:23 PM.
Converting Custom S4 animations
  • Beforehand, ask for the authorization to convert the custom animation to their creator !
  • You need to download S4PE

Step 1 : Download the custom S4 animation package from their creator.
- It must be a .package file.

Launch S4PE.
- Click on "file" then "open" our custom S4 animation package.

We are looking for CLIP files (they are the animation files we want)
- Highlight a CLIP file.

- Then click on "Ressource" and "Export" then "To Package".

For this tutorial I'm naming it "Test2".
- Click on "Open".

We get a .package file.

Step 2 : We're going to obtain the .blend file for our cusom S4 animation.
- Open S4Studio.

- Click on "My Projects", select our "Test2.package" and click "Open".

This is what we see.

- Click on "Export".

You get a .blend file !
- Click on "Save".

Here is the .blend file that you can open with Blender.

This Custom S4 animation to S3 convertion is over, you can now refer to Step 2 of :
Converting animations from TS4 game
Test Subject
#5 Old 13th Oct 2022 at 7:47 AM
Hello, is there any other way to get s4 anims into blender without s4 studio? - it refuses to work for me on win7.
Original Poster
#6 Old 25th Oct 2022 at 3:21 PM
Hello BlaGGeR, not that I know of :/ sorry
Test Subject
#7 Old 3rd Apr 2024 at 2:19 PM
Hi i have a problem with loading clip to ts3 rig. I do everything like in the tutorial, export as sims 3 animation clip but when i try to Load Clip the animation is "empty" - the sims3 rig does nothing just stands in deauflt t-pose when an animation is playing.
Test Subject
#8 Old 14th Aug 2024 at 7:37 PM
Great tutorial! I'd like to make animation conversion from sims 3 to sims 4 for make my own mod, but couldn't find any tutorial(( May be anyone have any links, file or whatever?
-·-- -·-- --··
retired moderator
#9 Old 14th Aug 2024 at 8:13 PM
@madredrabbit Look here:

If you can't find answers there, then the best place to ask would be the WCIF forums:
Or maybe

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
Simpeople and Me Archive- 11Dots Archive- My Sims World Archive- Adele Archive- Sims 1 Archive
Please send me a message if you would like a SimsFileShare account, I can send you an invite!
Test Subject
#10 Old 15th Aug 2024 at 6:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
@madredrabbit Look here:

If you can't find answers there, then the best place to ask would be the WCIF forums:
Or maybe

Thanks)))) I'm old new here, but using forum section first time
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