
6th Apr 2022 at 8:07 PM
Last edited by Ursine1bear : 22nd May 2022 at
6:18 AM.
Reason: new information
Hanging plants hidden in Sims 4
There are 3 plants, just leaves, with white flowers or pink flowers. Hold down Ctrl and Shift, hit C. Type testingcheats on, bb.moveobjects on, bb.showhiddenobjects, bb.showliveeditobjects and bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement, click on the magnifying glass in build mod, use the ALL setting. You can shrink them by grabbing the plant, holding down Alt and hitting [ left bracket. The image in the thumb nail is small so you'll have to search slowly. The game treats them as a decoration, not as a plant. There are also 3 plants hanging from iron brackets. I've had problems attaching the bracket to the wall.