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#1 Old 27th Oct 2022 at 7:29 AM
Default Babysitters Replaced in Future Iterations of World If Moved In?
I don't know if this was a dream or not, but I remember reading that either the babysitters or paper delivery kids have this issue that if you move them in after they grow up, then in future iterations of the same world, they will still exist but not be paper delivery kids or babysitters - they would be replaced by random NPCs. Is that true? And is there some kind of mod that prevents that issue? Whatever it is, I cannot find it in the Sims wiki now. I don't even know if I found it in that wiki or on some other Sims page.

Also, please pardon me if I have posted this in an inappropriate section of the forum. It's just something I've been racking my brain to find.
#2 Old 27th Oct 2022 at 9:32 AM
Babysitters are only for teen sims and newspaper deliveries are for children. Unless you're installing mods that make babysitters and newspaper deliveries YA/Adult, the game should remove them once they grow up and replace with new ones, unless your active household has already become friends with them.

You can prevent them from aging by installing Twallan's Story Progression. Click on caste option - services - death: allow aging set to false. Or just disable aging entirely from in-game option menu.

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#4 Old 27th Oct 2022 at 5:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by legacyoffailures
Babysitters are only for teen sims and newspaper deliveries are for children. Unless you're installing mods that make babysitters and newspaper deliveries YA/Adult, the game should remove them once they grow up and replace with new ones, unless your active household has already become friends with them.

You can prevent them from aging by installing Twallan's Story Progression. Click on caste option - services - death: allow aging set to false. Or just disable aging entirely from in-game option menu.

What I mean is does moving them in affect future iterations of the same world? Like if you move them in in one iteration of Sunset Valley and then you create a new Sunset Valley, will that suddenly make the paper delivery kids and babysitters be randomized?
#5 Old 27th Oct 2022 at 9:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
What I mean is does moving them in affect future iterations of the same world? Like if you move them in in one iteration of Sunset Valley and then you create a new Sunset Valley, will that suddenly make the paper delivery kids and babysitters be randomized?

Short answer: no.
When you save your played game, it's saved as a separate entity from the library (unplayed) version of the game. Nothing you do in that world, in that save, ever sees the original version of the world. You can see how this is if you look at the name of the world in the selection menu. If you haven't given the world your own chosen name by way of "save as..." the game calls your save by the name of the household you've been playing.
When you start a new save in a fresh start of the world, none of the changes you applied to your old save have been applied.
If you start a new save in the version of the world you have played in, you'll be starting in your version of the world.
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#6 Old 27th Oct 2022 at 9:47 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
Short answer: no.
When you save your played game, it's saved as a separate entity from the library (unplayed) version of the game. Nothing you do in that world, in that save, ever sees the original version of the world. You can see how this is if you look at the name of the world in the selection menu. If you haven't given the world your own chosen name by way of "save as..." the game calls your save by the name of the household you've been playing.
When you start a new save in a fresh start of the world, none of the changes you applied to your old save have been applied.
If you start a new save in the version of the world you have played in, you'll be starting in your version of the world.

I see. Then it makes sense that that information is no longer in the Sims wiki. I figured that moving in certain NPCs would change the way they would work in future new games. But seriously, this feels like a long brain-fart. I'm rather confused. Did this information exist in the wiki or in Carl's Sims 3 Guide?
#7 Old 27th Oct 2022 at 10:11 PM
Quote: Originally posted by JDacapo
What I mean is does moving them in affect future iterations of the same world?

I'm sorry if I look lost with your question, but Sunset Valley has its own babysitters and newspaper deliveries.

Babysitters: Dave Linnels and Candy Ashleydale.
Newspaper deliveries: Skip Javeed and Cora Francisco.

They'll always be the same every time you start a new game in Sunset Valley.

Like if you move them in in one iteration of Sunset Valley and then you create a new Sunset Valley, will that suddenly make the paper delivery kids and babysitters be randomized?

Unless I'm mistaken, you cannot save service sims to your library and move them to a new save without making them residents first. Doing so will lose their service jobs and you cannot assign them back in new save.

LGBTQ+. Donate to Ukraine, pretty please?
#9 Old 28th Oct 2022 at 8:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by nitromon
Wow... I never paid attention to this. I thought all NPCs are randomly generated upon starting a new world.

Yes, every single pre-made world Maxis has ever released has their own base game service sims, with some exceptions of the ones that come with later EP. For example, Bridgeport has their own butlers, but in other worlds butlers will be randomly generated. Dancers that come with Generations will always be randomised since the EP doesn't have a pre-made world.

LGBTQ+. Donate to Ukraine, pretty please?
#10 Old 28th Oct 2022 at 8:53 PM
What is randomly generated is homeless townies who are available to be consignment clerks, etc. But not the University roommates, or at least not all of them. They are already made. It's not a problem if you want to customize even the premade ones. Yet another function easily accessed through the Nraas suite!
#11 Old 28th Oct 2022 at 11:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lucy kemnitzer
What is randomly generated is homeless townies who are available to be consignment clerks, etc. But not the University roommates, or at least not all of them. They are already made. It's not a problem if you want to customize even the premade ones. Yet another function easily accessed through the Nraas suite!

Maxis' own worlds also have their own townies. So, when there are roles that need to be tend, Twallan's Register always prioritize the pre-mades first before generating new ones if it isn't enough.

LGBTQ+. Donate to Ukraine, pretty please?
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#12 Old 1st Nov 2022 at 2:40 AM Last edited by JDacapo : 1st Nov 2022 at 3:23 AM. Reason: Adding links and other info!
I found out where I read about the babysitters and a possible problem: https://web.archive.org/web/2016080....com/wiki/Nanny

But it looks rather badly-written and the information may have been wrong. Whatever the case may be, it really had me confused for awhile. Basically, I thought that if in one instance of a world, like Sunset Valley, if you were to move in one of the babysitters and then created an ENTIRELY NEW Sunset Valley, then you wouldn't get that babysitter in that *New* Sunset Valley for some odd reason. But I think maybe I cleared it up. I was worried that these characters were like the Kat family - like, you could only move the house into one neighborhood and then that was it.

Anyway, sorry for making such a confused thread!

Edit: Here's where the rather confusing wrong info first appeared: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Nanny?oldid=102184

Here's the comparison between a previous edit and the first appearance of the confusing info: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Nanny?...184&oldid=88693

Here's where the error was removed: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Nanny?oldid=909736

And here's the comparison between the last instance of the error and the edit: https://sims.fandom.com/wiki/Nanny?...36&oldid=908153

Wonder where the contributor is and what she's doing nowadays, etc. Me? I got a bad habit of digging up stuff. Maybe I should be a werewolf... or Olive Specter.
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