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#1 Old 2nd Jan 2023 at 8:58 AM
Default Some questions about Plantsim Hair
I hope this is the right place to put this, as it has to do with the properties of a hairstyle rather than it's mesh, texture, etc.

The question I have is in regard to a plantsim hair's ability to wilt. I'm wondering if this is controlled by the hair itself via some flag (the hair detects if the sim shifts to 'wilt' and changes accordingly to a linked version of the hair), or if the sim itself controls the hair's shift (there is a 'wilt event', and part of the processing of that event is 'change hair from this to this').

The reason I am wondering this is because I'm wondering if it's possible to create CC plantsim hairs that are not default replacements. I know it's possible to change a plantsim's appearance via mods, but it would be very nice if these hairs could also change automatically rather than have to be manually switched. Obviously this wouldn't be possible if the game only recognizes the One True Plantsim Hair, but if the hair itself has a type of flag...

I'm also further wondering if these are things that could be applied to things like eyebrows or other facial hair, but I'm going to assume that's very doubtful.

I'm a huge lover of supernatural sims and would like to get into content creation. I've always always felt that plantsims were a bit neglected, so I want to know where I should set the bar of my expectations on what 'could' be done on that front. Thank you very much to anyone who takes the time to reply to this, have a happy new year. It's so nice that the Sims community is still buzzing after all this time.
Mad Poster
#2 Old 2nd Jan 2023 at 3:45 PM
It's possible it's got something to do with the "Priority" setting in the "Property Set". Looks like mostly the supernatural hairs have this one, and not regular hairs. I don't have a clue how they work, though. Maybe have a look at mod files that control the visibility and such for these hairs?
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