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Scrapped characters found in Castaway Stories (hidden lore?)
I browsed the story mode neighborhood file in
SimPE and I found many people who seem to be a beta version of the final sims and their background is blue so they are not available in the game.
It seems the team made the cast but then scrapped them and created them again. Most of the current main natives have an old counterpart and they look quite different. And there's hidden lore
The chief's daughter was adopted?
The teens' parents
Here are the original pre-made castaway heroes, I guess. I wonder why they changed them to a brand new sim for the final game. Even their names were different.
And the old version of the chief couple and the shaman and his female household member have missing faces on their portraits. Just blank nothingness instead of a face.
What happened? I want to find out more about this. So...How can I bring them to life so that I can see what kind of bio they have, if any, and what is their wardrobe etc.? Info I can not gather from their
SimPE profile or if I can then I would not understand all those codes. I don't mind if bringing them back corrupts the game since I can do backups and have also transferred some sims into the main Sims 2 to continue their story as if they went home to the modern world. But for these mysterious corrupted people I'd want them to be visible in their original state in The Sims Castaway instead.
For anyone wondering, they are all in the Default household bin when viewed from the Neighborhood Memory Browser (they are not in the Family Information tab).