
7th Jun 2023 at 9:02 AM
Last edited by NatAgain88 : 4th Aug 2023 at
9:41 AM.
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Instance Numbers of all District Icons, World Animation Icons and their Spritesheets
Hi there
i found all the instance numbers of all current neighborhood / district icons as well as all Residential and Destination World Animation Icons and their Spritesheets (little Animation that pops up for 2 seconds while you rest on a world with your mouse)
They can be found in the Client folder of your installed Sims 4 game (not the folder from Documents)
Windows: \The Sims 4\Data\Client
Mac OS X: right click on The Sims 4.app, Show Package Contents → /Contents/Data/Client
These icons are either in
ClientDeltaBuild6.package or
ClientDeltaBuild7.package or
However to save anyone the search, i made a PDF for easy copy/paste the instance numbers…
Here is the link to download my PDF
(Edit: updated for Chestnut Ridge)
The Sims 4 creators have put these icons randomly in the mentioned packages, but i added an extra column in the PDF for you to see which icon is in which package.
In case you do not know how to replace the icons and animations according to this list, here are a few hints for you, please let me know whether anybody needs a more detailed tutorial and i will do that, as soon as i find the time:
1. You will need Sims 4 Studio (S4Studio) to open and search the above mentioned packages for the instance number provided in the PDF (its probably best to make a copy of the packages)
2. In S4Studio click on the icon you want, hit “Batch Export” (Do NOT change the name given, otherwise you will have to add the instance number again later), save it where you can find it
3. edit the exported PNGs in a picture editing software that can handle transparency (if you edit a World Animation, make sure the left and right side of each layer is loopable)
4. in S4Studio create a new empty package
5. in the created package, click on “Batch Import”, choose your editet PNG with the same name from the export, repeat this step for all PNGs you edited
6. save the package and put it in your Mods folder (make sure Mods are enabled in game settings)
Best wishes to You all and happy modding and picture editing
