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#1 Old 14th Oct 2023 at 2:28 PM

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Sims 2, University, Nightlife, Open for Business, Pets, Seasons, Bon Voyage, Free Time, Apartment Life
Default Appearance of hood water from res/comm lot
I am having a graphical issue with the way that hood water (ocean) looks from residential and community lots.

I am using criquette's "better nightlife + voeille seawater" mod, along with some shaders: dreadpirate_shaderfixes_voeillehoodwater, dreadpirate_shaderfixes_voeillelotwater, dreadpirate_shaderfixes_main, and dreadpirate_shaderfixes_niolroofshader. (Admittedly I am a bit confused as to which shaders I need - the dreadpirate ones are from the maxis match lighting mod, and not sure if I need the seawater one from criquette too?)

In a residential lot, the water looks dark blue (usually - on occasion it looks normal, reflecting the sky), and in a community lot, it reflects the sky properly.

I don't know why it sometimes works in residential lots, and sometimes doesn't, but always works in community lots (and beach lots).

Is there anything I am missing/do I have too many shader mods?

Attached are images of the ocean from residential lot view, and from community lot view (where the horizon is highlighted in red as it blends in with the sky).
Test Subject
#2 Old 14th Jan 2024 at 12:01 PM
i think you need to make a pool (can be 1x1) to make it work on the lot
Mad Poster
#3 Old 14th Jan 2024 at 4:51 PM
I had some issues with those shaders too at first.

You'll need to make sure you use the pool trick for any water on the lot (it needs to be two 1x1 squares on a diagonal, so it covers a full square around the water - I've tried with just one, and it kind of works, but it seems the reflections aren't following the water properly).

For the sea water, it's possible you're trying to use two different shaders. I think there's an explanation of what's for what in the original links, if there are options. Dreadpirate may have done some fixes to the shaders by Criquette and added them to these (if I remember correctly), so make sure you're not using both versions (Criquette's and Dreadpirate's, if they edit the same thing).

I currently have these in my game, and I don't think I've got that issue with the sea water:
dreadpirate_shaderfixes_deastrumquodvicis (I've got a personal edit of this roof shader, a mix between Dreadpirate's and the original, as the roofs were too bright for my taste)
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 15th Jan 2024 at 10:10 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
dreadpirate_shaderfixes_deastrumquodvicis (I've got a personal edit of this roof shader, a mix between Dreadpirate's and the original, as the roofs were too bright for my taste)

Ooh, mind telling me what you edited to make the roofs darker? I also think the shader edit is way too bright, and would prefer something more in the middle.

Seconding that you only need one shader fix per water type—so if you already have Dreadpirate's version for the neighborhood water, you don't need Criquette's. I believe Dreadpirate also updated it so you don't need the pool tile for hood water, only pond water (or maybe I have that backwards, but it's easy enough to check lol).
Mad Poster
#5 Old 16th Jan 2024 at 12:13 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 16th Jan 2024 at 12:31 AM.
I barely remember XD
I just compared a couple already edited files (or possibly the original VS the edit), found where they'd edited something, and found a working middle ground between the numbers. It's the first time ever I've edited shader files, so I was more terrified of doing anything wrong. It's more about inputting stuff in the proper place, and some guesswork on which numbers to use.

Here's the edit I did. It's still meant to be brighter, but not as much "technicolor roof".
It's based on DP's file (I assume all the fixes are still there), with some input from deastrumquodvicis' file for the roof shading (can't remember but it's possible I went with a slightly darker edit).

It was meant to be a personal edit, so I don't currently have any pictures (only the picture I did ingame from before the edit that says "test shaders!!!" over a violently turqoise roof )
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