Pink flashing in one neighbourhood
So I have several neighbourhoods, and several Downloads folders. Lately I have been having trouble in my medieval neighbourhood, with a Downloads folder of 6,87 GB. I've not played the game in a few months - last I remember, I would play for an hour or two in one household, get pink flashing, quit the game and delete cache and rinse and repeat. Now I went into the game and the family thumbnails were all messed up and pink for the majority of the families - I go to test a family, it's all pink and the game crashes. I updated my drivers, updated Graphics Rules Maker, checked that it's all up to speed (that there is a raised texture limit & it's been applied with administrator rights), I delete my cache files and thumbnails and give the game another go. Family thumbnails are fine but once I load into the lot it's just all pink soup, as the screenshot shows. No crashing though.
For a bit of background, I've been playing this same neighbourhood since 2020. I use the batbox, use Mootilda's Hood Checker and rarely download anything these days.
I have other neighbourhoods with their separate Downloads folders, which are 3,80 to 7,86 GB in size. No problems. No pink flashing, no crashing, nothing. Which is what throws me off about this greatly.
I have the 4 GB patch, I use Sims 2 RPC, I've edited the file you're supposed to edit for more texture or however it is on Notepad several years ago... I'm not sure what my next step should be. I've looked at several different guides and Reddit threads, updated the GRM but somehow my medieval hood just isn't budging. I'm not all that tech savvy but I would assume the problem is something specific since my other neighbourhoods/their Downloads folder combos are working alright.
I'm open to any and all questions, apologies if my explanation is unclear, I'll try my best to explain better or profile photos/logs if needed.
Thanks in advance for any help, I would really love to keep this neighbourhood going