5th Apr 2024 at 2:22 AM
Last edited by lingeringwillx : 7th Jul 2024 at
5:27 PM.
Posts: 65
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Game Sounds Exporter Script
This is a script that I wrote based on what I've learned about the game's sound files recently. It's able to export all of the sound files from the game or from any folder containing packages. On top of being able to decode and export the sound files, it also attempts to find the names of the files.
If you use it on the game's files then it will take hours to finish, and it will need several gigabytes of storage to store the exported files.
Things that could be improved:
1- Speed, it's currently slow.
2- It's able to get the names of most sound files, however there are still some files that would be left unnamed.
3- Maybe use a more compressed format to store the exported files like mp3 instead of flac, so that the files would take less space.
[20-04-2024] Fixed script crash issues, Added recognition of more file names.