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#1 Old 16th May 2024 at 6:46 PM
[TESTERS WANTED] Sunset Valley Remastered
Hello everyone.

I have a long-standing idea of ​​remastering Sunset Valley without complete renovation when it become completely different like some works that i saw, but at the same time with improvement and the addition of new content.

All addons and catalogs were included and store content as well. Unfortunately i didn't record which exactly I used especially store content.
CC - only yoga mat in gym that not necessary.

It's ~90% ready, but still in progress and some moments really need testers.

What is exactly needed?

1. Is everything translated into English or not? I realized too late that i should take not my own language. And should I reinstall it or is there some kind of automatic translation?

2. I used a certain amount of store content and I’m not sure that it will be displayed right to other users.

3. And maybe you find some other errors or have ideas and wishes! <3

How to install:
That's just a save file, put it in your saves.


P.S. i am new one in this forum and sorry if something wrong :0
Attached files:
File Type: zip  Sunset Valley REM.sims3.zip (81.79 MB, 14 downloads)
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