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#1 Old 5th Nov 2024 at 10:24 PM
Default Sim Has No Character Data
Hello guys! So I'm working on a custom hood for Sims 2 these days and for some reason my sims keep losing their character data. I tried to fix this with hood checker but no problem was found.
These Sims are perfectly fine in-game, but for some reason SimPE says they don't have character data. 'Cause I plan to make this hood available for download in the future I need it to be perfect! Does anybody know how to fix it or what causes this?

Some info:
I used InSimenator to create family trees, and for each Sim alive there's at least 6 dead Sims (as ancestors of the living Sim). I do believe this can be somewhat related to the problem, 'cause sometimes the Sims would lose their Character Data while I was creating family ties with InSimenator.
I do have tons of backups here and one where no one lost their character data, but all family ties were already set.

Their characters are intact, but I noticed there's two characters files missing (242, 243) although there's no Sim with these numbers, so I'm not even sure this is a problem at all.

Anybody knows what's going on?

Mad Poster
#2 Old 6th Nov 2024 at 1:20 AM
You're likely running into split character files - do you see any files in the Characters folder with a .1 before the extension? Everything is still there, but since SimPE isn't aware of split files it'll report missing data.

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#3 Old 6th Nov 2024 at 1:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bulbizarre
You're likely running into split character files - do you see any files in the Characters folder with a .1 before the extension? Everything is still there, but since SimPE isn't aware of split files it'll report missing data.

Unfortunately that's not it! Already checked it. What I did was move the Sims out and it worked somehow. But I'm pretty sure this will happen again to other Sims so I'm still waiting to understand what's happening here lol
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