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#1 Old 5th Dec 2024 at 4:48 PM
Default The Immortal Heartbreaker Vampire Challenge
This is a challenge I made when I decided to play with an immortal vampire for once. I usually don't like my sims living forever, but in this challenge it is a requirement.
The idea is to make a vampire with the Hearbreaker aspiration, but not only have them get girl/boyfriends but actually marry their sweethearts and be married to them until death do them part. As divorce is not allowed, the challenge ends when they marry their 10th spouse after the death of the 9th.
I made some rules and goals to achieve to make the challenge more interesting. In the end I made up a point system that can be used if you manage to complete the challenge without cheating, but that's optional as this is not a competition, just a fun challenge to do.

(Below I will talk about the vampire as the founder to make it simple, but this is not a legacy challenge where you have heirs. The founder will be along for the whole challenge.)

Starting the Challenge
  • Make a founder vampire and give them the Heartbreaker aspiration. The traits can be anything you like.
    In my original game I made a male vampire, but you are allowed to make the founder whatever gender you like. If the founder is a female having male spouses, you need to change the rules about childbearing as male spouses can't give birth to children (well, without mods anyway. If you want to play with male pregnancy and you have a mod for that, go ahead.)
    So as a rule: play with whatever genders you like and set up your game so it works for you.
  • When you have your founder, buy them a starter house. No money cheats are allowed so buy whatever house they can afford that you like. They are allowed to buy a better home later when they can afford it. Moving is allowed as many times as you need.
  • Get your founder a job, which will be their first career. Preferably a rabbit hole career that you can top easily to get more money for the family. (Any career not needing a university degree is allowed as first career.)
  • Get your founder their first spouse by marrying a sim from the world. The spouse can bring whatever amount of money they have into the household. If they live alone in a big house, you are allowed to move in with them there after marriage, as it is legally obtained. (It is considered cheating to move in with a spouse's family who owns a big house and then throw them out to get their house.)
  • Buy the founder the Immortal vampire LTR as fast as you can so that they won't age and can be out in the sun. (The founder is the only immortal vampire allowed as their children need to age.)
  • For those who want to play this challenge faster and use multiple spouses (see below for details):
    The 1st spouse is the founders first real love, and the reality of living forever hasn't yet hit them, so you need to fullfill 1st spouse's lifetime goals before you can start gameplay with multiple spouses. This is a first generation rule only, so this rule does not apply later.

Gameplay Rules
  • The challenge is for your founder to have 10 legally married spouses (not only girl/boyfriends) and live with them until they die. No divorcing is allowed, so the founder needs to get along with their spouses in the long run. If a spouse breaks up with them anyway, though you did your best to hinder it, they need to woo them again so that they can marry them again. A spouse is not to be let go until they die. You lose the challenge if a divorced spouse dies accidentally before your founder can remarry them. (This rule is for divorce forced by game mechanics like the witnessed betrayal, which you can try to hinder, see below for mods to help with that.)
    A romantic interest living in the house like a spouse can be forfeited without losing the whole challenge. It is only when they are married that they absolutely need to count.
  • Both the founder and their spouses will have lifetime goals to complete. (See below about lifetime goals)
  • Both the founder and the spouses will have marital responsibilities which affect the family life at home. (See below about marital responsibilities)
  • No help at home is allowed, so no repairmen, maids, butlers, gardeners, etc., except for babysitters. Babysitting is allowed when needed for careers if maturnity leave is up.
  • No money cheats are allowed. You may move to a bigger house only when you can afford it after earning your money with the careers your founder and spouses have. Having a hobby and selling items made with the hobby is allowed.
    Transfiguration used to get very valuable metals and rocks to sell is only allowed for buying a bigger house or better car, but only if your sim finds the rocks & metals used in it themselves. Don't use transfiguration to make your sims filthy rich for nothing. Going to a rock-collecting-spree for this purpose is allowed max once per generation for one day, but children are allowed to do the collecting challenge they get from school. Also collecting a few rocks and metals while going about your sims daily business is allowed, if your sims stumble upon them. Collecting rocks and metals for alchemy is also allowed when needed.
  • Buying real estate is not allowed until founder has topped their 5th career. After that they can start buying real estate and become a filthy rich business mogul. If a spouse has the LTW to become a Hotel Mogul you are allowed to do that one and own a resort earlier, but otherwise resort counts as real estate.
  • The lifespan needs to be normal with 90 days until dying of old age. You can change the different categories after your own liking as long as the full amount of days is 90. (I usually change the elderhood to 10 days, for example, and increase the days as young adult and adult, but you can set it up to your own liking.)
    You are not allowed to have early birthdays for sims in your household or for spouses-to-be. All other sims in the world you can do whatever you like with, though.
  • Multiple spouses:
    The founder can have more than one spouse living with them at the same time if certain requirements are met (see below), but due to game mechanics they can only be married to one of them at a time. Playing with polyamory requires mods to curb the in-game jealousy (see below for allowed mods), but there are also marital responsibilities that has to be fullfilled with every spouse (see below). Playing with just one spouse at a time will thus be much easier.
    There is no limit for the romantic interests the founder can have, but only those moved in are counted as spouses. Directly after moving a romantic interest in they become a spouse for the founder with all the marital responsibilities stated below, and you can start achieving their lifetime goals and have children with them. They count toward the 10 spouses goal once they are legally married.
  • You are allowed to try to kill off spouses that have completed all their lifetime goals by placing them in life-threatening situations (without cheating). Cheating would be to take away or lock a door so that they will die from fire, but trying to start a fire and running towards it is allowed.
    Using age of instant potion from alchemy is allowed, but only when a spouse has lived their full 90 days and can die naturally from old age.
    (This method may become necessary if you have other spouses living in the house that are turning elders and can soon die and thus need to get married before that. For this it may be good to master alchemy early on and go hunting for the required butterfly, which though being uncommon, can be quite hard to find.)
  • You are allowed to use death flower to prevent accidental death of spouses who are not yet married to the founder. You are not allowed to use death flower for married spouses or for the founder. (This concession to the use of death flower is due to the game mechanics that make polyamorous marriage impossible.) A spouse that is not married to the founder when dying is forfeited. A spouse that is married to the founder but has not achieved their lifetime goals is valid and is to be counted for the challenge. If the founder dies by accident, the whole challenge is lost.
  • Whenever the founder asks a romantic interest to be their girl/boyfriend they need to marry them within 2 days. This also applies with the 10th spouse, so that after completing the founder's aspiration you can hold a wedding the next day to end the challenge with a big party. (Though a swift private wedding is also allowed.)
    Keep in mind that only a married spouse counts as a real spouse in this challenge, so don't get the spouse killed while waiting for their wedding. As this can happen if you have bad luck, you are allowed to resurrect a girl/boyfriend who dies before the wedding, but not a romantic interest who dies before becoming a girl/boyfriend.
  • You are not allowed to change a spouse's traits until they have fullfilled their lifetime goals. Instead you can make use of their traits in choosing their goals. After they have completed all of their lifetime goals, you can buy the LTR with which to change their traits.
  • The children can be whatever you want them to be as they are not heirs. (No heirs are allowed in the house as the founder doesn't age.) All children need to move out after turning young adult. You can give them a career and marry them off before moving them out, if you like.
    You are allowed to use a mod that shortens a lifespan of supernatural sims if you want, so that your vampire children doesn't live for several generations.
    This is optional and you can also cure them or just let them live as long as they do, but don't give them the Immortal LTR. Be adviced that you are filling your world with your founder's children and thus making a lot of the families living there descendants of them.

Ending the Challenge
The challenge ends the moment the founder marries their 10th spouse. The founder will fullfill their Heartbreaker aspiration the moment they ask the 10th spouse to become their girl/boyfriend, but for the challenge to end, they need to be married to the founder.

For those not playing with multiple spouses (which requires mods) you are allowed to forget about the one week rule to get married to the next spouse (see below) after the 9th spouse has died. You can instead just move in your 10th spouse and fullfill their lifetime goals before your founder makes them their girl/boyfriend and marries them, ending the challenge. Otherwise you will forfeit the 10th spouse's lifetime goals (as I've included them into the score system). The challenge ends with the 10th wedding and no score points can be gained after that. (This only applies if you want to count your score, but then again you might want to play through the goals for all 10 spouses and not only for 9.)

Requirements for New Spouses
  • Every spouse moved in need to be a romantic interest of the founder before moving in. They also need to be of age (young adults or adults).
  • The spouses are not allowed to be occult as they need to have a normal lifespan with normal needs.
  • Every spouse need their own space: they need to have their own bedroom with a double bed in it. So having more than one spouse at the same times requires a big house. (The children of the different spouses can share room with each other.)
  • Every spouse needs to be married to founder and has to fullfill their lifetime goals before dying, which means that the new spouses needs to be younger than the ones already living in the household (so that you are able to marry them before they die).
  • The one week rule of moving-in: at least one sim-week has to pass after the last spouse-move-in, before a new spouse can move in (if you are playing with multiple spouses).
  • The one week rule of marriage: When an old spouse dies, the founder has a sim-week to find and marry a new legal spouse. Within this week you can hold a 2 day mourning period and host a funeral, then find a new romantic interest to make into a girl/boyfriend, and then you have 2 days after that to host the bachelor party and the wedding.
    If you are playing with multiple spouses in the household, the next spouse-in-line is already living with your founder and can be married directly if you want.

Responsibilities & Goals

Mods and Cheats Allowed

You are allowed to use mods in your game after your own liking, but there are certain categories of mods that are not allowed.

Scoring and Penalty Points

End Notes

So this is basically it. I've played a lot of legacy challenges and other sim challenges before I started making my own. I'd like to thank all those wonderful challenge creators that have inspired me and taught me how to play challenges.
This one I created many years ago, and I forgot about it for a time. I'm sharing it now because I found it on my computer and got inspired to try it again, this time with a female vampire who is going to move between worlds every few generations.

Feel free to comment and tell how you are playing this if this sounds fun. Happy simming!

Benzi chibna looble bazebni gweb! Or in plain English: Nothing is impossible if you believe!
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 10:14 PM
I don't think that the Lifetime Wish of Heartbreaker is achievable like this. Were you able to actually get that wish fulfilled? The only time that I tried it in the past, I was thinking that on asking the 10th sim to be my sim's girlfriend would satisfy the wish, and it did not. The wish was not satisfied until my sim broke up with them, and had 10 EX-girlfriends.

I do not think that I have/had any mods that caused that, but it is possible, since I always play with tons of mods installed.

At any rate, this looks like a lot of fun, and I think I'm going to try this out, but with the variation of a sim that uses the Chemistry table and Young Again potions to remain effectively immortal.
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#3 Old 11th Dec 2024 at 5:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FreakyRufus
I don't think that the Lifetime Wish of Heartbreaker is achievable like this. Were you able to actually get that wish fulfilled? The only time that I tried it in the past, I was thinking that on asking the 10th sim to be my sim's girlfriend would satisfy the wish, and it did not. The wish was not satisfied until my sim broke up with them, and had 10 EX-girlfriends.

I do not think that I have/had any mods that caused that, but it is possible, since I always play with tons of mods installed.

At any rate, this looks like a lot of fun, and I think I'm going to try this out, but with the variation of a sim that uses the Chemistry table and Young Again potions to remain effectively immortal.

I've done the wish many times and it always gets fullfilled with the 10th girlfriend. The LTW is about having 10 girl- or boyfriends, not breaking up with 10. As I said, I've played this challenge before and it worked. I made the challenge from the get go to make that LTW harder than it is.

Maybe just try it and see how it works in your game. You can always wait for the 10th spouse to die if you have a mod interfering with it. Young again potion should work nicely. Good luck!

Benzi chibna looble bazebni gweb! Or in plain English: Nothing is impossible if you believe!
Lab Assistant
#4 Old 13th Dec 2024 at 11:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Vaneth
I've done the wish many times and it always gets fullfilled with the 10th girlfriend. The LTW is about having 10 girl- or boyfriends, not breaking up with 10. As I said, I've played this challenge before and it worked. I made the challenge from the get go to make that LTW harder than it is.

Maybe just try it and see how it works in your game. You can always wait for the 10th spouse to die if you have a mod interfering with it. Young again potion should work nicely. Good luck!

Thanks for the info. I don't know why I had a problem with the wish previously. It was a long time ago, and it is possible that the wish was bugged and they fixed it.

I did start playing this challenge, in the middle of my current save. My immortal sim had a different wish, and her boyfriend, aka first spouse, had the Heartbreaker wish. After changing my sim's LTWs, they got married, and the wish status shows she's at 1/10, so I guess it is working right for me so far.

My variation on the challenge is that the immortal is an alien sim, and she uses potions to stay alive. For purely story driven purposes for this challenge, only alien physiology can handle the young again potion, and once taken, it has to be taken regularly or else the sim will face a gruesome painful death.
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#5 Old 18th Dec 2024 at 5:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FreakyRufus
Thanks for the info. I don't know why I had a problem with the wish previously. It was a long time ago, and it is possible that the wish was bugged and they fixed it.

I did start playing this challenge, in the middle of my current save. My immortal sim had a different wish, and her boyfriend, aka first spouse, had the Heartbreaker wish. After changing my sim's LTWs, they got married, and the wish status shows she's at 1/10, so I guess it is working right for me so far.

My variation on the challenge is that the immortal is an alien sim, and she uses potions to stay alive. For purely story driven purposes for this challenge, only alien physiology can handle the young again potion, and once taken, it has to be taken regularly or else the sim will face a gruesome painful death.

Yeah, I've read that the LTW can be bugged. It has never happened to me, but i've seen it on the internet. I hope it will work for you the entire challenge.

Making the immortal an alien sounds like fun. I'm intrigued to try that myself. I still haven't had the time to start my second try, so now I need to rethink it.

Benzi chibna looble bazebni gweb! Or in plain English: Nothing is impossible if you believe!
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