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Mad Poster
Original Poster
#1 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 6:07 PM
Default Hair Conversion
I have a hair converted from Sims 4. I had the adult and teen versions working in Bodyshop, except the adult wasn't showing up in CAS (unless I selected teen and then changed the sim to adult).

I decided to do the child and toddler versions before I tried to figure it out and now nothing is showing up in Bodyshop at all.

Can anyone help me tell what I've done wrong, please?

Link to the files is here. http://www.simfileshare.net/download/5184152/
Mad Poster
#2 Old 7th Dec 2024 at 8:38 PM
The toddler 3DIR (instance 0000001) has GeometricDataContainer instead of Shape as the second line. It's also not properly linked (wrong Resource Node, and as mentioned a missing SHPE).

The child hair (instance 00000002) is linked to the wrong mesh (try to re-link).

Teen and AM/YM/EM seem to be properly linked.

For hairs, you should always match the 3DIR and the PropertySet with the same Instance. Don't look at the Category line in the 3DIR (it often says the wrong age, not sure why).

Not sure about the teen/adult issue, but it's possible making a recolor (when you've fixed the child/toddler ones) fixes the issue. Sometimes it's just a bug that gets fixed when Bodyshop gets everything in order for a recolor (and if not, you know there's more to fix).
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#3 Old 8th Dec 2024 at 5:13 PM
Found a tutorial on meshes (by you XD) and got only the toddler age showing up, but the others showing when you changed ages.

Exported and reimported and all the ages are showing up, so I have no idea what was wrong. XD

Thanks heaps!
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