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#1 Old 16th Dec 2024 at 3:52 PM
Default Looking for villain aspirations
Hi, first time posting here!
So, I've been building a series of vampire sims, as they're my current obsession/ special interest, but i'm struggling to find an aspiration that fits some of them. For example, I've build Nadja from the show "What we do in the shadows" for my friend, who really likes it, and she told me that her lifelong goal is to conquer the world, but there aren't any aspirations that even come close to this in the base game or even on the modded version from the user ky-e here, that adds more aspirations and revamp the others.
So, my point is, i wanted to know if anyone knows of a set or even just a single aspiration or mod that can fit in the "supervillain" category.. :')
Or if there are any ways that i can create a custom aspiration.
Thankss ))
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