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#1 Old 2nd Jan 2025 at 5:11 PM Last edited by indefinite : 8th Jan 2025 at 11:20 PM. Reason: final edit
Default Neighborhood deco looks weird [SOLVED]
So... I recently upgraded my PC and had to reinstall Windows. Luckily I backed up all my saves and mods in my Google Drive so I didn't lose anything, but I have a problem; the neighborhood decorations look... I can't even really explain it. Not just that, but when I load into a family there are all sorts of visual glitched I've never encountered before.

At first I thought it was my environment defaults but I deleted those, and nothing changed.

I've never seen anything like this in my game before. Did I accidentally corrupt something when I reinstalled my game? Please help if you have ANY idea what this could be caused by. I'll attach some screenshots shortly.

Edit: So.. apparently storing my mods and saves to Google Drive apparently wasn't a wise decision, because when downloading them again, instead of downloading one zip file, it splits the download into multiple zips. So, all my mods, CC and even character files are scattered all around those multiple zip files. I didn't know this, so I just got the contents from one of them and went about my day and launched my game. Needless to say, some important files are missing and waiting patiently in those other zip files.

Currently I'm in the process of reinstalling my game because I fear that the same could have happened to my install files, so I'm reinstalling just to be safe. Same goes for all my mods and whatnot. Yikes.

Solution: the thing causing the deco to look like that is actually DXVK (my game was lagging a BUNCH, like less than 10 fps so I got it to fix the lag. I have a modern AMD GPU). Deleting the dxvk.conf as well as the d3d9.dll fixed it, but unfortunately the lag is back. Currently I'm looking to switch to Nvidia.

Final update and solution: Didn't need to make the switch, all I had to do was get an earlier version of DXVK. Game runs smoothly again.

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