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#1 Old 22nd Jan 2025 at 11:21 PM Last edited by Lemurphs : 23rd Jan 2025 at 4:50 PM.
Default [FOUND] WCIF this de-accessorised and age converted version of the EA Store hair 'Braided, Bundled and Beaded'?
I'm having a hard to time finding where I originally got this hair from. I've only been able to find a child version on the Store, and I'm not sure if the adult version I had was from just from another set or pack, or if somebody made it?

Here's the child version:

And here's the adult version as seen in my game:

Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#2 Old 23rd Jan 2025 at 4:10 PM Last edited by Lemurphs : 23rd Jan 2025 at 4:50 PM.
Okay so I've still not found it but I've been doing some more digging, and I thought I'd share what I've found here in the hope that it helps somebody point me in the right direction.

I found an image that led me to the 3t2 database where it shows Trapping made a conversion of the Store hair 'Braided, Bundled and Beaded' and which is named 'Braidside' and enabled it for all ages. Looking at the image, it seems as though the Y/A/EF hair I'm missing from game is much closer in appearance to Trapping's 3t2 mesh (see the front hairline) than it is to the CF version in the Store.

Is it possible that the Y/A/EF version is a 2t3 conversion of the 3t2 one? Is this a clue haha? I'm so eager to find it but so far I've run into nothing but dead ends.

Found it! It's Penelope by IridaSims.
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