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#1 Old 1st Feb 2025 at 2:03 PM Last edited by The Questing Truck : 1st Feb 2025 at 2:19 PM.
Default WCIF challenge mod
I erroneously posted this on the sims 3 website before remembering this was a sim 2 thing. With Sims 2 legacy coming out I have renewed interest in finding this.

Back in the day there was a mod, website, or system that gave you challenges to complete in the game. The way it worked was you installed a prebuild scenario with house and sims. You then had to complete specific memories to complete the challenge. I am not 100 precent it was a mod but I do remember there was some automation about it. The idea was the system would check to see if Memories were present on the prebuilt sim and you completed the challenge when you got all the memories. I really enjoyed that system as it had me play the sims in ways I normally wouldn't. It also helped fill out my neighborhoods with people I actually was somewhat invested in.

I don't remember how many different challenges there were but somewhere around 10-20. Some example challenges I remember from it was a house where the primary focus was a teenager and you were trying to get a large number of negative memories. Running away from home, failing school etc.
Another one was around the time the Plant sims were released and it was all about getting a lot of gardening related memories.

Searching for it now all that mostly comes up is the challenges forum board here which does not appear to be what I'm looking for. I would very much like to revisit those challenges and have those households running around in my game. Does anyone remember this and know where I might find it?
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