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#1 Old 28th Feb 2025 at 1:36 AM
Default "Goth Bed" BCON: 'Tuning - Sleep'
I have been trying to tune the Goth Bed for the past three hours. In the BCON section in SimPE, I am able to change the 'Tuning-Sleep' values; however, when testing this in-game, it remains default. I have done this with multiple other beds and the tuning works, but for some reason changing the constant values of Comfort Inc, Comfort Max, and Energy Inc for this particular bed (Goth Bed/ 'Side by Side Darknes') does nothing in-game.
Please help, thanks.
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#2 Old 28th Feb 2025 at 3:50 AM
I have noticed a strange pattern happening with custom objects (objects I have tuned through SimPE BCON). For some reason, some objects I have tuned appear to have the star symbol in the catalogue (which represents custom content), while other tuned objects maintain the original image without the star. I have noticed that all these non-starred objects will not respond to BCON tuning, but will respond to catalogue price changing. Also, I assume all these non-starred objects tend to share a similar pattern, under SimPE object workshop, they appear to be duplicates with different group ids. For example, the 'Hemnes' and 'Anes' Bedframes, like the Goth bed, appear to be duplicates in the object workshop (but singular in-game). Does anyone know the connection between these findings, and if so, how to make it so that these objects respond to BCON tunings? Also, why do these specific objects respond to catalogue (price) tuning but not BCON (even though the branch is included?)
#3 Old 28th Feb 2025 at 5:23 AM
These stuff pack objects exist in the Overrides.package, which takes precedence. You can try placing your mod in the Overrides directory of your EP (FreeTime, Apartments or Mansion).

The custom content star shows if you have supplied another copy of the OBJd, which you can't do if it comes from overrides.

Here is the goth bed constants, increased to make it obvious that they are in effect.
Attached files:
File Type: zip  pgoth_bed.zip (212 Bytes, 2 downloads)
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#4 Old 28th Feb 2025 at 5:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
These stuff pack objects exist in the Overrides.package, which takes precedence. You can try placing your mod in the Overrides directory of your EP (FreeTime, Apartments or Mansion).

The custom content star shows if you have supplied another copy of the OBJd, which you can't do if it comes from overrides.

Here is the goth bed constants, increased to make it obvious that they are in effect.

Thank you for your reply,
Is there a way to turn an overriden object into base game object? For example, I'd like to make the Goth bed a base game object so that I can successfully tune the sleep BCONs. For some reason, (even the zipped package you have sent), BCON tuning is not working with these types of objects. I can change values, commit, and save, but it does nothing in-game. This happens with all these types of objects from IKEA, TeenStyle EPs, etc. Meanwhile, I have no problem with other objects being tuned in the BCON. Also, why do these objects appear twice in the object workshop?
Thanks a lot.
#5 Old 28th Feb 2025 at 6:55 AM
The base game doesn't have these overrides, as they were obviously only included after the Teen stuff pack was released. So this problem would not occur. There might be another reason why the object doesn't work in base game. You have to set "Valid EP Flags 1" in all OBJds to 1 and include all its resources.

If you place pgoth_bed.package in the folder where Overrides.package is, it should work then. It is not a great way to install a mod. You can also try to clone the bed completely, including all its resources in the package, give it a new name, GUID and group number from the name. Then an override wouldn't apply to it.

These objects appear twice because they have different names in SPObjects.package and Overrides.package (BedDoubleGoth_Override corresponding to 0x7F04D871).
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#6 Old 28th Feb 2025 at 2:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by jonasn
The base game doesn't have these overrides, as they were obviously only included after the Teen stuff pack was released. So this problem would not occur. There might be another reason why the object doesn't work in base game. You have to set "Valid EP Flags 1" in all OBJds to 1 and include all its resources.

If you place pgoth_bed.package in the folder where Overrides.package is, it should work then. It is not a great way to install a mod. You can also try to clone the bed completely, including all its resources in the package, give it a new name, GUID and group number from the name. Then an override wouldn't apply to it.

These objects appear twice because they have different names in SPObjects.package and Overrides.package (BedDoubleGoth_Override corresponding to 0x7F04D871).

Well, after pulling an all nighter, fifteen hours later, I have finally figured out how to do it. First, I would like to thank Jonasn for the clarification on object overrides and suggesting the clone. Thanks a lot mate.

I went ahead and cloned the object, after endless hours of brutal trial and error, having read somewhere in this site about MMATs raising a similar concern to some dude by the name of Simnuts, with the valuable help of Numenor (thanks a lot dude), it raised a brow on the issue. For this specific object, the ‘Goth Double Bed,’ I had to uncheck ‘set default color’ or whatever this heading is addressed under obj workshop clone, mainly because the bed’s various frame colors (overrides) won’t display in the package/ in-game otherwise. The most challenging part was in trying to figure out that the Objd’s unique GUID has to match this of the MMATs’ values. For some reason, I had to fix this manually. Now come to think about it, was it worth it?
Have a good one Jonasn, cheers! (Numenor as well).
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