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#1 Old 7th Mar 2025 at 9:04 PM
Default "Struggling with DDS Image in Sims 4 Studio – Error Message!"
"Please help!!!!

I'm creating a new buff for a mod, and I have an image in DDS format (64x64) that I want to use. However, every time I try to save it, I get this error message:

"The value 00854EEA03B2DCBA is not valid for the Sim Data type ResourceKey in resource: 545AC67A-0017E8F6-00F15D3CC5BC6A58. Please make sure that you have formatted it correctly. All numbers except LocalizationKey and ResourceKey values should be in decimal format."

The hash I'm using is 00854EEA03B2DCBA, which was generated in Sims 4 Studio using the hash generator.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but I need to figure this out because this is the first of at least 20 new buffs I need for my mod.

Thank you in advance to anyone who can help end my frustration! "
Forum Resident
#2 Old Yesterday at 7:26 AM
The full Resource Key including the Type and Group are required whenever you reference a resource by key, so it would be 00B2D882-00000000-00854EEA03B2DCBA

thecardinalsims - Cardinal has been taken by a fey mood!
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