Several questions about Create A World (Edit In Game workaround, XML Data for sims, fixing bridges, etc.)
I’ve recently found myself with more free time and decided to try my hand at editing Barnacle Bay in Create A World again after a months-long break. I’ve been reading a lot of threads both in this forum and elsewhere to answer many of my questions, specifically the Editing Premade Worlds thread here. But there are a few questions that have come up during the process that I am unable to find direct answers to. Rather than resurrecting an old thread for the questions to be buried in, I thought making my own thread to ask them would be appropriate. Would really appreciate any help you could provide!
1. I have been trying for months to get Edit In Game to work but, despite my best efforts, it does not work at all for me. It just opens the Sims 3 Launcher and then if I click play it opens the game as normal instead of opening EIG. Will not being able to use EIG have any unintended consequences? I intend to do most of the building and such in the actual game before I play to get around this.
2. On that note, is it possible to take a saved game and make it into a world in itself? Since I cannot use EIG, my plan is to export my unfinished version of Barnacle Bay as a world, make my edits in a save file for the game, and then make my save file its own world. Is this even possible?
3. In CAW I noticed that there are a few items missing from the overall view (Hogan’s Deep Sea Diner, the bridge leading to the little island, etc.). Will these items appear when I publish my world, or do I need to do something else to enable them to work? I’d hate to go through all this work only for me to be missing a bridge that will be a key part of my world.
4. One concern that I have with making Barnacle Bay into my own world is the game wiping the relationships and traits of all the sims in Barnacle Bay. In the Editing Premade Worlds thread it is mentioned that this is an issue, but since I cannot use EIG I am unable to follow the steps outlined there to remove the residents. I saw on reddit that you can add a certain XML file that contains all the sim relationships and such to the world before exporting if you want everyone to retain their personalities, how would I go about doing this for Barnacle Bay?
5. One major annoyance with CAW has been dealing with objects like trees, signs, etc. When I move roads and adjust the land, the trees inevitably get in the way and end up in the middle of the road or a lot. But when I try to move one tree, it instead selects the entire layer and moves dozens of trees at a time. I’ve just been deleting the filters with the plan of going back in and manually adding trees at the end. But is there a way that I can move individual trees within a filter? And is the only way to add these objects in the game itself?