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You are currently viewing all threads in the Legend of Zelda Lovers! group - You are now in the land of Hyrule. May you join Link in his quest to save Princess Zelda. But quick, he needs help. So join so we can help save Hyrule- together!. To go back to view all threads click here. To go to the groups control panel, click here.
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Latest Site News Announcement Nysha's New Creators for November
by Nysha
1st Dec 2024 4:00 AM - 568
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Thread Rating: 9 votes, 4.4444 average. by Tashiketh 1st Aug 2009
17th May 2017 8:58 PM
by SneakyWingPhoenix
39 196,946
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 15th Jan 2010
16th Jun 2012 9:40 AM
by HylianWolf
5 4,731
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by Simdrew1993 5th May 2012
22nd May 2012 10:05 PM
by Simdrew1993
2 3,153
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by LittleTenshi 27th Jul 2010
5th May 2012 1:05 AM
by Simdrew1993
4 4,642
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by Rikachu 1st Jan 2010
30th Apr 2012 9:09 AM
by HylianWolf
11 5,653
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 22nd Sep 2009
15th Jan 2012 4:11 AM
by Lady_Chaos
3 3,991
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by NintendoLover13 30th Jul 2009
15th Jan 2012 3:24 AM
by Lady_Chaos
31 14,805
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 3rd Nov 2009
15th Jan 2012 2:16 AM
by Lady_Chaos
2 3,679
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 30th Sep 2009
15th Jan 2012 2:16 AM
by Lady_Chaos
6 3,868
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by animenut31 5th Aug 2010
14th Jan 2012 11:31 PM
by Lady_Chaos
3 3,633
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by animenut31 18th Jul 2010
14th Jan 2012 11:26 PM
by Lady_Chaos
7 4,122
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 14th Dec 2009
3rd Jan 2012 2:48 AM
by HylianWolf
3 3,682
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by GuardStud08 5th Aug 2009
28th Aug 2011 7:14 PM
by devmars
23 5,237
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by Toastymaru 11th Mar 2011
11th Mar 2011 9:31 AM
by Toastymaru
0 2,787
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by animenut31 10th Jul 2010
11th Jul 2010 1:41 AM
by NintendoLover13
1 3,559
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 14th Jun 2010
15th Jun 2010 9:34 PM
by sparrow_from_planet_astos
3 3,772
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 7th Apr 2010
12th Apr 2010 10:26 PM
by NintendoLover13
6 3,492
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by GamerGoddess70 8th Mar 2010
8th Mar 2010 4:14 AM
by GamerGoddess70
0 3,359
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 1st Mar 2010
1st Mar 2010 9:26 PM
by sparrow_from_planet_astos
0 3,266
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by nikokok 16th Feb 2010
16th Feb 2010 2:10 PM
by nikokok
0 2,860
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by nikokok 15th Feb 2010
15th Feb 2010 4:21 PM
by nikokok
1 14
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by nikokok 14th Feb 2010
14th Feb 2010 9:27 PM
by nikokok
0 8
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 1st Oct 2009
6th Feb 2010 5:23 PM
by NintendoLover13
4 3,568
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by NintendoLover13 30th Jul 2009
1st Dec 2009 8:57 PM
by NintendoLover13
62 16,594
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by GuardStud08 1st Aug 2009
1st Dec 2009 2:49 AM
by NintendoLover13
20 4,455
Legend of Zelda Lovers! 
by sparrow_from_planet_astos 3rd Nov 2009
3rd Nov 2009 9:32 PM
by NintendoLover13
1 2,916
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