flu attacks!!!
Date Posted: 18th Jan 2013 at 12:49 PM Views: 1167
I have a flu , and so far a lot of free time, as long as I get better.
I built several new homes. Oh myyy, I feel horrible
Purple Rose Castle

Forest Hideout

Cottage in the meadow

Bobby's house

Honey house

Recent Comments for: flu attacks!!!
flu attacks!!!
By armiel (13th May 2013 at 8:46 PM)
Just wanted to pop in and say, that I absolutely adore your lots. Have I said that before? It's never said too many times!

By this time you have hopefully recovered from your flu, but still have time to create more of these amazing builds. They're so grungy and detailed, and I always look forward on seeing more of your work, even though I don't even play the game. Keep up the good work! :D



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