About hair retextures...

Date Posted: 29th Jun 2024 at 11:49 PM

I feel like I'm more interested in TS2 again, and in hair retexturing too. I think I'll start creating more of them soon, mostly XMSims hairs. I have seen some XMSims retextures, but some meshes not so much, they're kind of hard to find. Unfortunately I can't bin hair colours using Cat's Hair Binner, so I'm currently stuck on only making unnatural colours until I try binning them the SimPE way, as annoying as that is.
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SimScripts - Yet another pile of discoveries

Date Posted: 9th Jun 2024 at 11:39 PM

I know... More SimScripts stuff.
Just a note: I do not know what I'm doing when it comes to game development!!! If you know something that I'm saying is wrong, please don't hesitate to correct me! I only say what I understand with my knowledge, so if I say something downright ridiculously stupid give me a small notice of it.
I found an InteractionMap.txt file thrown in like that in the SimScripts folder in the The Sims Life Stories game files, so naturally I had to take a look to satisfy my curiosity. This is what it says:
# This file contains mappings between the SimScript name of interactions and thier associated real names in the game.
# The purpose of this file is to provide a name mapping to real names..  This is useful
# for Interactions who's name may change from time to time.
# Format:   {logical interaction name}:{real interaction name in game}

Telescope_Look:Look Through

And... That's it. No more interactions.
Not sure if they wanted only the interactions that would change names or all of them, but it seems that they never finished the map.

Second discovery:
In the "Unit" sub-folder of the SimScripts folder, there exists a txt file called CASUnit.txt. The reason why I listed this is because it provides info about how the CAS lot functions.
If you didn't know, the rooms which your Sims stand in CAS are merged into an actual lot. There are some special objects in that lot which make it function as a CAS lot: The backdrops. If these items do not exist CAS itself doesn't function.
Here's what this file says:
# Basic Test: CASUnit
# Version 1.0	Merlin Andrews	09/29/04	Prototype Draft
# Description: Runs through a unit test of Create a Sim
# Preconditions: Automation Neighborhood
# Includes: None

logmessage "----- Begin CAS Test -----"

waitUntil neighborhood loaded equal "z_Automation"

loadLot "CAS!"
waitUntil lot loaded equal "CAS!"
waitUntil gameState playMode equal "CASMode"
waitUntil dialog exists equal "CASFamilyUI"

logmessage "----- Create a new Family -----"

setDialog string "CASFamilyName" "Unit"

logmessage "----- Add a Sim to the family (Sim 1) -----"

waitUntil dialog exists equal "CASNewSim"
setDialog response "CASAddFamilyMemberButton" "CASAddFamilyMemberButton"
waitUntil dialog exists equal "CASAddFamilyMemberPanel"
setDialog response "CASAddFamilyMemberPanel" "CASAddSimButton"
waitUntil dialog exists equal "CASPanelButtons"

logmessage "----- Test CAS Panels -----"

include_script SimScript\Includes\CAS\CASSelectStep1.txt
include_script SimScript\Includes\CAS\CASSelectStep2.txt
include_script SimScript\Includes\CAS\CASSelectStep3.txt
include_script SimScript\Includes\CAS\CASSelectStep4.txt
include_script SimScript\Includes\CAS\CASSelectStep5.txt
include_script SimScript\Includes\CAS\CASSelectStep6.txt

logmessage "----- Exit CAS -----"

waitUntil dialog exists equal "CASControlPanel"
setDialog response "CASControlPanel" "CASCancelSim"
waitUntil dialog exists equal "StandardDialog"
setDialog response "StandardDialog" "Yes"

waitUntil dialog exists equal "CASFamilyUI"
setDialog response "CASMainUI" "CASCancelFamily"
waitUntil dialog exists equal "StandardDialog"
setDialog response "StandardDialog" "Yes"

waitUntil neighborhood loaded equal "z_Automation"

logmessage "----- CAS Unit Test Complete -----"
waitFor 5
quit false false

Hmm. So we can see at the top what happens when you load CAS (Maybe?).
First, the game loads the CAS lot, then it waits until it loads, and then waits once again for the "gameState playMode" to be "CASMode", then whatever "waitUntil dialog exists equal "CASFamilyUI"" means . Because these files in SimScript were used during development (Although it does mention NL and some other EP's?) I'm not sure if something changed after.

These were what useless but interesting(?) stuff I dug up from the SimScripts folder. That folder is certainly a gold mine for learning about TS2's development, and I find it quite funny that the developers of The Sims Life Stories left this out. I guess they just didn't really care about it although it does take up space in the game files.
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CAS Collections Thought

Date Posted: 7th Apr 2024 at 11:48 AM

I've been thinking of a thread about TS2 CAS collections I had made, and how they could be used to unlock debug mode's outfits.
Perhaps I could backup my game, then do this:
  • Enable debug mode in CAS
  • Make a CAS collection
  • Move a hidden outfit in it
  • Disable debug mode
  • Leave and reenter CAS
  • Check if the hidden outfits are in the collection

If this works, then it could kind of be a gamechanger, but only for CAS. It won't be possible to access them when buying clothes or to recolour in BodyShop. It will just be a simple way to not be a hassle when searching for a hidden outfit.
Then again, maybe hidden outfits have the move to collection button disabled. To tell the truth, though, I doubt EAxis thought about it too much as they just slapped collections anywhere they could (Pet breeds, CAS, buy&build mode).
It will be, though, a limited version of actually making an unlocker. It will be easier but not so flexible like an actual unlocker. Kind of useless outside CAS, but could be cool for people who spend a lot of time in CAS (Like me).
I'll provide an update with pictures later.
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Random Discoveries

Date Posted: 28th Mar 2024 at 2:45 PM

I was searching in the TS Life Stories files when I found a whole folder named "SimScripts". It has thousands of txt files documenting some tests called "snifftests" that developers did, probably to check if something's working obviously.
While reading them I came across a "web snifftest" that they used to check if logging in, uploading a lot, and downloading something worked, maybe from the Custom Content Browser.
I am 90% sure that this exact folder existed in TS2 files but they got rid of it, perhaps because it wasn't needed anymore, but because the Stories series is based on TS2's engine, they may have accidentally copied it to the Life Stories game files. Another reason to why this may have been in TS2 is because it says this:
# Description: This is the snifftest for login, upload a lot ("Goth"), download a file
# Prerequisites: 110 Sim Lane exists in N003 (Pleasantville)

Did you notice it?
"Prerequisites: 110 Sim Lane exists in N003 (Pleasantville)"
Did you also notice something else?
Did you ALSO notice something else again?
Isn't Pleasantview N001 and not N003?
  • Life Stories only has 3 neighbourhoods: Four Corners, which is in Riley's story, Bitville, which is Vincent's story, and Freeplay which is a copy of Four Corners without the story. The TS2 premade neighbourhoods do not exist in Life Stories.
  • In TS2, N003 is Veronaville, not Pleasantville. Could Pleasantville be an early name for Pleasantview, like Europa was for Veronaville? Also, N003 is Veronaville. So, scratch that. Perhaps Pleasantville was a test neighbourhood for Pleasantview. The Glamour Life Stuff pack's manual also mentions a fun Pleasantview "newspaper"... But instead it's called "Pleasantville" again.
It's pretty easy to understand now that SimScripts was also in TS2's engine but just deleted in TS2 and re-pasted in Life Stories.

Anyways, the main reason on why I wanted to check "web snifftest" is because I want to find where TS2 gets the Custom Content Browser files and engine from, so I figured this may mention some sort of thing on it. Unfortunately it doesn't mention any folder or file, but I'll continue rummaging through to see if something's on.
I have also found a file that is both in Life Stories and TS2: eCAS.package. This package file contains Text Lists which mention logging in plus instructions and other stuff that worked with the TS2 site. The CAS Shared package also mentions various errors that happen while packaging a Sim to the TS2 site also.
If I find some other files, I might be able to find the code for the Custom Content Browser. I still doubt it as it can also just be hardcoded, but maybe I might be able to?
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Sim Story in the making

Date Posted: 22nd Mar 2024 at 3:41 PM

I'm currently working on taking screenshots for an upcoming Sim story I want to make. It's going to take some time but I think it'll be kind of cool. I have shaped up the plot somehow but I'm still not sure about it, might change some things along the way.
Worst thing of all is finding poseboxes. They're hard to look for now, I'm not sure why. Screenshot-taking is equally as difficult but so far so good.
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New Project

Date Posted: 12th Mar 2024 at 3:40 PM

I decided to create a new series of Sims called FuryCat's Basic Sims. They're Sims that have unique faces and can be easily tweaked. The main purpose of this is to have more distinctive Sims in neighbourhoods. It's not an exactly original idea, I just created a series of Sims designed for only this idea.
Their hair, clothes and makeup are going to often be random, as I expect them to be heavily modified to be fit in any themed neighbourhoods. The only thing I care about is their face template.
They're kind of inspired by the default Sim Bin Sims. They're really unique but also really plain.

This idea will be expanded even more. Right now, it's just a series of some Sims, nothing special. Once I find some new purposes for this, I might update it. :D
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