Date Posted: 20th Sep 2009 at 12:01 AM
It's just like the title says, a tutorial on terrain paints to make your lot look a little more natural and I added a little bit of landscaping. I do the terrain paint in layers.
-This is what your lot looks like after terrain paints and landscaping.
-This is what it looks like before you do anything to it.
-Go to Terrain Paints and pick light dirt. Cover the entire lot.
-Take some weeds and do some patches of it.
-Next paint some more patches with a different terrain paint. Do this is as many times as you want. I put autumn grass but you can choose whichever one you like
-I did it one last time with Short Dark Grass.
-With a terrain paint of your choice, click and drag to make a path.
-Choose the terrain paint you used as grass and, instead of clicking and dragging just click to make little patches on the path. It makes it look faded and more natural.
-Add some flowers
-Use dark dirt to put some soil under your flowers.
-If it looks empty add some trees, and put some dark dirt and pine needles under them.
-I put some little flowers and grass under the tree.
-And here's the final product. Add some more shrubs, flowers and trees to your liking.