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#1 Old 11th Feb 2025 at 12:54 AM
Default Hello, I was just wondering how to put all the files into one package so I could try using wardrobe wrangler on it
I created a shirtless top for af androgyny in bodyshop (mainly because I have the elder and teen one but not the adult and wanted to complete it). I have separates for all clothing types enabled in my game, so I tried to use wardrobe wrangler on it but it wouldn't work. I could be wrong of course, but my current thinking is that the texture, alpha, and matnormal(???) images need to be included in one file for it to work. Most custom content I see from that I downloaded only has the one package file, so if that's the case then I assume it's already in there. I hope someone will tell me how to find what I need to do, either by linking a tutorial or redirecting me to whatever it is I actually need to do.

This is my first time doing something like this, and I have two other projects in mind I haven't started yet that would require me to know how to make something in bodyshop and then recategorize them with wardrobe wrangler, just like this top. I tried looking for a tutorial, and perhaps I don't have the words for it but I couldn't find anything besides packing sims and packing it using winrar, but neither are what I need.

I hope I posted this in the right thread. I debated for a few minutes before deciding to post it here.
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#2 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 12:49 AM
Don't know if anyone needs to know this, or if anyone even cares, but I figured it out. I was completely wrong lol, bodyshop already does it for you when you import it to your game. Did I know this at the time? No, I didn't. Took me two days to figure out that bodyshop has a folder called savedsims and that's where all your imported finished creations go. Yay! Now I can actually recategorize the clothes, and move them to my download folder where they will be backed up, double yay! I was wondering why no one had the same problem as me, turns out I was missing a piece of information that apparently everyone else knows and seems obvious in hindsight.
Mad Poster
#3 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 1:05 AM
You're absolutely right in that the finished files will show in SavedSims.

The individual Project folders are just for making recolors of items (you get the textures so you can open them up in a picture editing program), and the "package" file in there is a template file that just works for Bodyshop (it won't show up ingame, as it lacks some important resources that Bodyshop adds to the final file when imported to the game).

It can be useful to know that projects can be reused. Every time you do "Import to game" on a project, Bodyshop saves a new file using the Project name + an individual hex code as a prefix. All those files are standalone recolors. You can rename CAS files, but make sure to use unique names.

Another thing you might want to know about is the text line at the bottom in Bodyshop, which is known as a "tooltip". This is the hovertext that shows when you mouse over an item in Bodyshop and CAS. Can be very handy to fill in (Personally, I prefer using the full filename so the file can easily be relocated if necessary, but people have different preferences as to what to put there. At the very least something descriptive and/or recognizable in relation to the item or filename if you plan to upload files).
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#4 Old 12th Feb 2025 at 3:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by simmer22
You're absolutely right in that the finished files will show in SavedSims.

The individual Project folders are just for making recolors of items (you get the textures so you can open them up in a picture editing program), and the "package" file in there is a template file that just works for Bodyshop (it won't show up ingame, as it lacks some important resources that Bodyshop adds to the final file when imported to the game).

It can be useful to know that projects can be reused. Every time you do "Import to game" on a project, Bodyshop saves a new file using the Project name + an individual hex code as a prefix. All those files are standalone recolors. You can rename CAS files, but make sure to use unique names.

Another thing you might want to know about is the text line at the bottom in Bodyshop, which is known as a "tooltip". This is the hovertext that shows when you mouse over an item in Bodyshop and CAS. Can be very handy to fill in (Personally, I prefer using the full filename so the file can easily be relocated if necessary, but people have different preferences as to what to put there. At the very least something descriptive and/or recognizable in relation to the item or filename if you plan to upload files).

Thank you! This is all really cool to know for the future. I really appreciate it.
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#5 Old Yesterday at 11:24 AM
It helped me also, Thank you so much.
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