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Lab Assistant
#26 Old 2nd May 2010 at 7:53 AM
I have a best friend who is of a different religion and I don't really know what it is. But the fact is that he's my best friend in the world. I accept that about him no matter what.

Go Super Mario Project bu Rapsheba!
Test Subject
#27 Old 4th May 2010 at 3:27 PM
@missMSBplayer: I'm sorry, we must have misunderstood each other. My point was that you get nowhere if your response to hate is even more hate. It doesn't help anyone to ignore homophobes on YouTube, because the homophobes wouldn't want to be friends with you anyway.
I have a different theory that says, the best response to hate is love. It takes all 'weapons' away from that hateful person. They simply don't have a reason to complain about you any more. And eventually they will see that Jews, blacks, gays, goths (or whoever it happens to be) are actually really nice people!
Test Subject
#28 Old 1st Jul 2010 at 3:32 AM Last edited by charmsheart0559 : 9th Aug 2011 at 6:58 PM.
Ok, so, I really have no idea what it means to be in a group, and am not a much an active member here except for all the downloading I do,
but if I knew how (and even though I don't) I want to be part of something like this.
I love what this group is about.
Forum Resident
#29 Old 22nd Jul 2010 at 7:23 PM Last edited by lovetadraw : 22nd Jul 2010 at 10:42 PM.
The more I'm around my parents, the more I notice the hate. The more I realize how I sometimes hate. The more I realize I didn't know what I was talking about. And now I see that I really, shouldn't ever make anyone feel that way.

I've left Christianity because I can't stand the hate of gays anymore. Or how they hate anyone who fixes when their god messed up there gender. People hate what I try never to show. Why I don't show it. Because If I do, everyone I care about would hate me.

When will people learn to stop fighting? When will we all get along?

Where does the pain come?
Where does it start?
I know not...
For I have no heart...
Test Subject
#30 Old 2nd Mar 2011 at 7:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Vampire_aninyosaloh
I'm agnostic but I respect everyone's religions and points of view. Why can't everyone believe on whatever they want, being it God, Allah or Satan?

@Elena: About the black clothing thing.. well, all our class hates us for some reason, being it we are a goth, a punk and a gay or whatever.. but we don't really care much haha

I agree with every one i mean WTF people who hate other people should just grow up and live your life for exp. these a girl in my class who told a girl i like her and im a girl so that was werid to say that and then she said im STRAIGHT....... straight forward....... Gay are not differnt than anyone in thee world if you dress differently they shouldn't care they should love you for who YOU are....
Lab Assistant
#31 Old 26th Nov 2011 at 3:47 PM
In fact, I am Christian and I want to tell you something. I also agree with you that the culture of hate must stop. It's so annoying when people discriminate somebody. And that there are some people who always find the mistake in the other people. But I can't understand why is it good that you hate a person who is different from you (imagine if everyone was as rude as certain people, how much horrible would the world be). I've always been a bit weird or different girl in my personality, so I know how horrible is being discriminated.

But I also can't understand Christians who discriminate someone. I am also a Christian and I don't discriminate people because of their religion or being attracted to their own gender. If we look in the Bible, Jesus always taught to love your friends, and even love your enemies. He always taught to be good to another people. When he told the Sermon on the Mountain, he said that sentence: "Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." I think those people who are REAL Christians obey what Jesus said. Maybe those people who tell themselves Christians are not real Christians, or they live in a misbelief. But blaming anybody is never right.

I found a quote in these days, which really describes the ones who discriminate: "When you're pointing on somebody to offend a person, three of your fingers are pointing at yourself."
Forum Resident
#32 Old 6th Jan 2012 at 3:16 AM
The discrimination of teens must stop!Not all of us teens are irresponsible!
Mad Poster
#33 Old 7th Jan 2012 at 9:34 PM
Hate must stop. What is the best way to do that? Is it by protesting? Is it by calling out those who hate? Is it by getting politically involved. Is it by modeling loving actions?

What are some things you do that help to make the world a better place for everyone?

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
Field Researcher
#34 Old 4th Jun 2012 at 2:57 PM
Hate is not always wrong, I mean, it is natural to hate someone who does something horrible to you or people you care about (abused physically and menatally, betrayed, spoiled your reputation, raped, hit, etc.) But why the hell so many people hate someone just because they're different? What's wrong being black/asian/pale/tan/blonde/goth/gay/polyamorous/virgin in your late teens/too tall/too short/liking rock music/liking rap music/Christian/atheist/bookworm/ etc? Just looking different to the standard, or having not very poular interests is not a reason enough. Moreover, hate ruins the hater's own personality. Haters focus on the subjects of their hatred much more than on their own lives. In other words, hatred is WEAKNESS, I wonder why many people don't understand this. Just live your own lives the way you want, or consider right, but don't bash on the others just because they choose to live in another way, as long as they don't harm you or anybody else. Even if there IS a reason for hatred, isn't it better to care about fixing what happened and avoiding the same situation again, than about hating, complaining, and making dramas?

Love the group, BTW.
Top Secret Researcher
#35 Old 18th Jun 2012 at 12:03 AM
The discrimination of people with autism and learning diffuclties must stop as they are hardly any support for people me like when we are adults in the uk!

"I know, and it breaks my heart to do it, but we must remain vigilant. If you cannot tell me another way, do not brand me a tyrant!" - knight commander Meredith (dragon age 2)

My sims stories: Witch queen
Nocturnal Dawn
Test Subject
#36 Old 18th Oct 2012 at 3:49 AM
Discrimination just breaks my heart. It seems like almost every one can be shunned away by a group.

Top Secret Researcher
#37 Old 23rd Nov 2012 at 4:41 PM
It's redicilous! I refuse to take part in many arguments at school, simply because of a characteristic of someone. In my form, where the majority of boys play on the PS3, I'm a minority simply because I PREFER the xBox 360! It's absolutely pathetic! My school says its anti-bullying and won't tolerate discrimination of any kind, well you Definately are failing in one place. Not to mention the fun taken out of me because I play the sims, simply because EA recently decided to market towards females a lot more than males. As I said, it's redicilous!

Just Call me Square!
#38 Old 14th Jan 2013 at 2:12 AM
I agree with everyone I don't understand why people hate each other for being different!
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