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Mad Poster
#26 Old 18th May 2015 at 11:09 AM
My! What a change in this social group! Before, it went for months with nothing happening. Now if I don't check it for a few days, I find a mass of new posts. I hope it stays this way. A lot of the credit must go to Sims2Christain.
Quote: Originally posted by Krinci
Hi, I'm Krinci. I'm 14, Catholic, and emo. Prepare to be mildly irritated by my childish worldview.
I believe in guided evolution, the idea that lifeforms evolved over time, guided by the hand of God
As for the Sims, I feel that, from a religious standpoint, the game serves two purposes.
1. To remind us that if we have trouble managing eight sims, it's impossible for us to comprehend God keeping an eye on 7 billion people
2. To get our anger and general weirdness out of our systems rather than taking it out on our fellow sentient beings.
Nice to meet you.
@Krinci , I'm more than 4 times your age, and I don't find your worldview at all childish, maybe because it not too far from my own. I believe that God guides what happens in the universe, even though we all have free will. Yes, I admit there's a contradiction there, but I prefer to call it a paradox. So, if God guides everything that happens, there's no reason to think he can't guide evolution. So I too sort of believe in guided evolution, but "believe" only in the sense of "rather think", not in the same sense as I believe that Jesus died for my sins. As for the Sims, I like your ideas. I certainly let my Sims do things I wouldn't dare to do in real life. But I do try to encourage them not to hurt each other.

I'm not at all happy with the idea of my Sims treating me as their god. I'm not omnipotent, not omniscient, and totally unworthy. I try to do my best to look after my Sims (and haven't lost any yet) but I can't promise that I can always keep them safe, they do things that I don't know about (because I'm not looking the right way at the time, and I confess that I sometimes deliberately lead them into temptation. Perhaps that's one reason I built a church in Veronaville: to give them the opportunity to worship the true God; I certainly don't want them worshipping me!

I suppose, Enki, that you're right: when I tell my Sims to do something, it's me who's telling them, so I'm responsible for their actions. In that respect I suppose that they're manifestations of my own character. But in practice when I'm playing them, I treat them as if they were separate sentient beings. I always try to play empathetically, but of course I find some Sims much easier to empathise with than others. At my best I try to be a friend to my Sims, alongside them to help them. I suppose that's not entirely dissimilar to how we Christians view the Holy Spirit (though I'm a very poor imitation!). At my worst I'm just their tempter. I do though usually try to avoid telling them to do anything that I know will directly hurt another Sim.

Happy Simming everyone!

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
Original Poster
#27 Old 19th May 2015 at 12:35 PM
Amen to that AndrewGloria.

To make a road someone has to lay the first stone, but one cannot build a highway on their own.
(Here that would be a whole lot of double posting)

While I don't believe in Evolution as I've stated somewhere (probably too much now)
I am glad to see that whatever we believe (or think) doesn't remove from us salvation through grace of faith that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Ahhh Sims
those wonderful created beings. Ready for any thing we can do to them. Ethier Godly or Sinful
Does that make sense to anyone?
#28 Old 22nd May 2015 at 2:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Enki
Yes, definitely global, I believe so, too! There are accounts of the flood to be found in every culture.
It wouldn´t have to be as devasting to animal and plant life as we like to think, though. The flood´s purpose was to anhihilate the sinners (or, of you go by the apocryphae, the human/fallen angel crossbreeds who led mankind down a dangerous and sinful path), not to destroy the ecosystem. God wanted his chosen to survive, so he´ll haven seen to it that the means for their survival were still there after the flood. The texts preserve only the bare minimum we need to know about the event today, they would not go into more detail.

These "Crossbreeds" were called Nephilim. And just for additional knowledge, The women were told to cove their beauty, (hair, face, body) and not to wear "face paint", so as not to let Satan's Angels lust for them. This is why women from some Religious Affiliations wear head dresses, and cover their face, and wear robes. We here in USA, very liberal with our dress codes, and tend to be not so accepting, and suspicious of this dress code, which leads to stereotyping, and haters, which I strongly do not support. There were several books left out of the bible, and many have left Christianity because of this. They say, "Well, Why should we believe when Man has left books out." But, If You consider this... The Book of Enoch, (a "removed" book) Speaks of Satan's Angels having intimate contact with human females. Now The Bible is a "Family Oriented Reading". Sooo, I ask You, Do you want to have to explain to your 7 year old (as an example) What the Fallen Angels were doing with the human females? I bet the answer to be No, cross the board. Children cannot understand these things, and furthermore, it is irrelevant to learning Christianity, and being a good Christian. So, I feel appropriate for this book to be left out. Very Good Video, I recommend, regarding The Book of Enoch, Nephilim, and a bit of history... that may also explain "Aliens"... https://youtu.be/BZGN6EKjvAo

Hello, I'm Tiya Marie :)
I Hope You Dance!
#29 Old 22nd May 2015 at 4:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by AndrewGloria
Hi! I'm new to this Group, though I've been on MTS for about two and a half years. I'm sure I'll be familiar to those of you who play TS2, but for the rest of you, I live on the Sims 2 discussion forum and usually post there several times a day. I've been a Christian (albeit not a very good one) for somewhat longer than I've been a Simmer. In some ways my Christian beliefs are not dissimilar to venusking's: I believe absolutely in the historical truth of the resurrection. The historical accuracy of other things in scripture, especially in Genesis is less important to me, but I am at least open to the possibility of the creationists being right. At school I became sceptical even about Newtonian physics when our experimental results didn't bear out what our physics teacher was telling us. So it's logical to be sceptical about Darwinism too. I used to believe in it mainly because I liked nice stories about dinosaurs! I'd say my attitude to such matters now is largely agnostic. Whatever the truth of them, it's a very long time ago, and not really relevant to my daily life. Whether the world is 6,500 years old or billions of years old, either way it's an awful lot older than I am. I really don't get why it's so important to some people. Interesting, yes, but not directly relevant.

Snufflepaws, I didn't know about David Berlinski, so I looked him up on Wikipedia. He seems to be a proponent of intelligent design without coming from a Christian or religious perspective at all. Yes, that is interesting; perhaps we've all been too ready to accept Darwinian survival of the fittest as fact.

As for the impact of Christianity on The Sims and vice versa, that's really why I came to this group. Sims2Christain posted on the Sims 2 forum about witches, and mentioned her concerns about getting her Sims involved in the occult and whether that was acceptable to God. That seemed to upset some members there, and she removed her remarks about her beliefs. I thought that was a pity, so I suggested coming to the Christians group as it wouldn't be off-topic here. Personally I've never been attracted to the occult in any way, but there are other things in my game, that are likely to offend some Christians, and possibly offend God too. Like a lot of pre-marital and gay woohoo. I think I'll start a separate thread about that, but part of my solution has been to introduce a church into Veronaville, and try to deal with some of those issues there. There's a little bit about my church on my Simlbr here and here.

[EDIT] I seem to be assuming that Sims2Christain is female, but her/his profile doesn't actually say. When I joined MTS I thought I had to say which I was. Could you correct me Sims2Christain if I'm wrong?

Just a question, How can you be agnostic, but believe in the Resurrection?

Hello, I'm Tiya Marie :)
I Hope You Dance!
Original Poster
#30 Old 22nd May 2015 at 10:36 AM

For future reference
Edit your posts if no one has replied and you want to add more information as it is a site rule that we shouldn't double post (it does get annoying for everyone)

How can one beleive in the resurrection if Adam never existed? (mainly due to the fact that Jesus Christ talked about Adam as a real historical person, and also the biblical lineiages from Adam to Christ)

We live in a fallen world and will all have misintepreation of even the Holy Bible.
(weither it be origins, the resurrection, the Flood, Paul's teachings etc) God understands this and has through the Bible given us the information we require to begin and end our life in faith, he knows that the heart of man is sinful. None of us can get everything true about what is written alone but together we can strengthen each other in faith. Or we can tear each other down as the fallen angels want. The demons know that to kill a tree you cut its roots or seperate the branches, this is the same with Christ's people. They are wanting to keep every man (who is made in God's image unlike the angels who are not made in God's image) away from the one true God. They can do this by dividing us on our beliefs about extrabiblical things, and by showing us how one thing if true cannot fit into the Bible, thus to discredit the Bible
"Did God really say that, did he really mean that?" etc.

We wage war against not flesh and bone but the spirtual realm, against the third of the angels who fell from Heaven to Earth.

God will protect us from our advesery and help us grow in faith and community.

God bless you
Cheers from Sims2Christian
Mad Poster
#31 Old 24th May 2015 at 2:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by TIYARN007
Just a question, How can you be agnostic, but believe in the Resurrection?
I'm not "an agnostic"; I'm a Christian: I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me. When it comes to the literal historic truth of the crucifixion and resurrection, I'm a fundamentalist! I absolutely believe that those things happened!

I only described my self as "agnostic" about what I consider to be some minor points of doctrine and Bible interpretation, in particular the creation account(s) in Genesis. "Agnostic" means "not knowing", and I literally don't know whether these are accurate historic descriptions or not. The Bible tells a lot about ancient Near Eastern history, but I think it's a mistake to read it as a text book on such history. We should read the Bible for what it says to us in our situation today rather for the details of history 2000 - 6000 years ago. Stories can tell us something true, without necessarily being historically true. The message of the parable of the Good Samaritan does not depend on the incident really happened exactly as Jesus described. Most Christians think it's a story that Jesus made up to illustrate his point. It is true in a deeper sense than whether or not it is historically accurate. I think we should read stories in the Old Testament in the same spirit rather than worry unduly about their historicity.

God bless you!

All Sims are beautiful -- even the ugly ones.
My Simblr ~~ My LJ
Sims' lives matter!
The Veronaville kids are alright.
#32 Old 27th May 2015 at 12:16 AM
Beautifully said, AndrewGloria thank you!

As for books being left out, I believe it is okay only if the texts are preserved and available for study by those interested in them. Certainly I´d have to prepare my speech VERY carefully if I was to explain my hypothetical seven-year old what the Nefilim did to human females. But at that age I´d have her read a children´s bible or some other age-appropriate text version anyway instead of the originals.
Forum Resident
#33 Old 27th May 2015 at 6:31 PM
Since the books that were left out didn't pass the criteria to be included, I have no issue with them being left out either. Anyone can write anything about God, but that doesn't make it inspired or true. As for the Bible, there are tons of inappropriate things that aren't meant for children - adultery, murder, concubines, child sacrifice, prostitution, beheading, stoning, rape, incest, etc. I would definitely use a children's Bible for younger children.
#34 Old 9th Oct 2015 at 8:51 PM Last edited by TigerAnne : 10th Oct 2015 at 3:36 PM.
Yes, yes, I know this thread is old. I only necro it because it's in a social group, rather than on the main forum.

On the topic of religion and religious practice in our Sims games, I don't really play it out too much. I think it's mostly because my faith is this topic that's actually quite serious to me, and I don't really want it mixed up in the inherently silly reality of the Sims - especially not considering my personal playing style. (Just click any of the links in my signature if you wonder what I'm talking about.)

I'm not really into the "supernatural" aspect of the games. All I've had is vampires. On the other hand, I do play out a lot of things I don't personally agree with, and which I don't support in the real world. In the game, I let my teens drink the cocktails that make Sims "drunk". I let Sims drive after drinking, since the game allows it anyway. All in all, my Sims probably drink way too much and too often, in real-world terms. I pretend that the herbs and beans they can grow have narcotic qualities, and was planning on making one of my hipsters a "dealer". My characters have been known to woohoo without being respectfully engaged, but I prefer them to at least go steady. I do have the mod that allows for woohoo between teens and adults, and I've used it to have characters who are meant to be 17-18 date characters I interpret to be 19-21. (But not actually woohoo.)

A lot of my characters are on the "dark" side, where I imagine them to be caught up in things they're not really on top of. The appearance of their Sim models tends to reflect this. If I had a teenaged daughter, I wouldn't have allowed her to get facial piercings, but I think a good third of my teenaged Sims in TS3 have got piercings and/or crazily cut and dyed hair. They also dress in outfits I wouldn't have allowed my children to wear, nor been allowed by my parents to wear at that age.

Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

These pictures are from a storyline about a town where I had The Rebels (+ Nerds) take on the Jocks & friends - who dubbed themselves "The Resistance" - in a culture war. It was fun, but I've locked all the LJ posts on it, pending a rewrite.
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