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Cash for Flunkers part 3.
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Hi there, I am George Leno and welcome back for
Part Three of "Cash for Flunkers!"

Please welcome back for the third time my
brother and his wife John and Betty Leno!

"Hi George, I just want to say this has been an incredible two days."

"Oh, we are so plleeezed with our two "New School Efficient Students"
We are actually proud to be parents again.

"All thanks to "Cash For Flunkers!"

"Yes George, I feel quite refreshed from the whole experience."

"So does that mean that you are ready for your
Final Trade on "Cash For Flunkers?"

"George, I don't know if we are ready to trade in Little Johnny."

I don't know either, now with the other two under control.
He doesn't seem as bad. Or maybe it's not even that; he does
not seem like the other two. We would like to request a DNA test on him.

"A DNA test? What exactly do you mean? I'm a little confused here."

"Well, the day he was born up at Sim General Hospital, there was
also a Lady Pirate in there that had a baby boy also. She gave birth to
her baby boy even in the same hour that I gave birth to my son.
The father of the Pirate Lady's baby was none other than
"Captain Jack Black Sparrow." I know because I seen him
there visiting his wife and baby."

"Oh no!! You don't think that the babies somehow got mixed up?
How do you think something like this could of happened?"

"We are not exactly sure, but we think the gas leak coming from the
hot water heaters in the basement might of had something to do with it."

"Everybody was a little goofy that day. We suspected something at first
then just ignored it and loved our son.
But then one day Little Johnny watched the "Pirates of the Caribbean"
and it was all over with. He just sort of remembered who his supposed
to be, I think.


"Let's go ahead and meet little Johnny."

"Hi there, little Johnny. How are you today?"

"Oh, I'm fine Uncle George. These chips are really good."

crunch crunch , crunch!


"See I told you these were good chips!
When I burped it made a green stink cloud."


"So tell me Johnny, do you like school?"

"Watch what I can do!"

"Yippy! I'm sailing into the sky!"



"OK, wow, you sure can jump. Lets have you go
and sit over by your Mom, so we can put you on TV."

"Come on, Johnny."
"OK mom, here I come."

"Am I on TV now, Uncle George?"

"Yeah, you sure are kid. Now what is your favorite thing to do?"
"I like playing Pirates, Uncle George. I wish I could be on a
real Pirate ship."

"So which would you rather do? Go to Pirate School or be on
a real Pirate ship?"

"I can't choose between the two of those."

"That's like choosing between Mom and Dad. Impossible."

"If I could go to Pirate School, I would be a A+ student.
I know I don't do so well in my grades here.I hope I don't get traded in,
but if I do I will understand and I hope I get to go to a Pirate family."

"Do you love your Mom and Dad?"

"Yes, they are the best."

"What would you do if you could have another set of parents
who were real Pirates?"

"Mom and Dad, what does he mean? Am I adopted or something?"

"Well, we are not exactly sure. We think you might of been
mixed up with another baby at the hospital the day you were born."

"Wow! That is so cool and it could explain allot."

"How do we find out, Uncle George?"

"We just need a gallon of your blood and
all the skin off of your lips! muahaahaa!"

"Ahhhhh! Not my blood! My lip skin, help Mommy!!"

"Just kidding, Johnny. We only need a few strands of hair
and a cotton swab brushed on the inside of your mouth.
It wont hurt at all, I promise.

"Oh that's a relief! Hey, I have to go to school now the bus is here.
I want to try to do better in school for my Mom and Dad."

"What a nice kid you are Johnny. See the nurse on your way
out about that blood, okay?"


Unfortunately that's all the time we have for today. It looks like
we will have another show or two off of "Cash For Flunkers",
where you can trade in your D and F student for a
New School Efficient Student.
Join us to tomorrow, as we will have the DNA results for Little Johnny
and find out if indeed he was mixed up at the hospital when he was
born and is possibly the son of Captain Jack Black Sparrow.
See you tomorrow on, "Cash For Flunkers!"

Thanks for reading.

Click Next: Cash for Flunkers part 4. to continue...

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