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Sim Wars 1: Chapter 2: Did Someone Call, a Bounty Hunter?
Back to: Sim Wars I: Chapter 1 (Intro): Welcome to the Imperial Rule, Sunset Valley!
The current president was lying dead on the floor, electrocuted by the emperor. The army held the call and set up Vader and Darth Sidious for shooting only to be surprised all their bullets deflect back from Vader's hand. Vader replied: "YOU SHOT FIRST!" before unleashing a massive force explosion evaporating the rest of the soldiers.

After one day exactly all the people of Sunset Valley woke up on the imperial theme. Holograms were put all around town with Darth Sidious talking: "People of Sunset Valley, commit to the Dark Side today! Spare your and your children's lives! Don't make me go angry, I could destroy this planet with all of it's inhabitants! Lord Vader here, my apprentice, would help us reach a civilization as my general, with the law enforcement being a group of bounty hunters! Oh, and before I go, don't go to the public toilets."

Sidious said to Vader: "Where is that Bounty Bunker you asked for?", "He is in his way, and it's called Bounty Hunter master!" Vader replied. It was seconds until the famous bounty hunter, Boba Fett arrived to the place with another (not so) fellow, Dengar, in a toilet rocket ship. Dengar was silly in the eyes of some, but spread fear in the heart of plumbers, but Boba Fett wasn't feared at all, he was praised on Earth (because no one else had a jet pack)

The hunters' first mission was storming the army base. As they arrived a group of rebelling soldiers, unwilling to join the empire, had already started firing at the toilet, but Fett's blaster made short work of the front line. The two hunters made their way for the commanding office, shooting down entire squadrons. It was then when they reached the commanding office, a meeting was held, but laser blasts killed most of the people, with only two survivors, Erin Kennedy and Jack Bunch. Before Dengar and Fett can fire, Darth Vader entered with his lightsaber. "Look what do we have here, two leaders from the past." Vader commented, "YOU WOULD NEVER TAKE DEMO"(Jack's neck gets cut before he can continue) "What about you mistress, what do you want?". Erin was scared from the three standing there, and Vader repeated again, "Where did you hide the plans for the Death Star?", "I would never tell you, about the plans of the Death-what?" Erin said, Darth Vader started choking her until the emperor came, "Young woman, you will die!" the emperor said while he electrocuted her.

Erin fell dead on the ground with Vader stepping her body looking to the other soldiers that survived, saying: "The empire is strong with this one, and no one will stop it! You all will be issued Stormtrooper armor and D11 blaster rifles, am I clear?", the soldiers agreed and went to work.

At the mean time in the galaxy that is far away, Han Solo, a smuggler, told Luke, Vader's son which didn't know about it, "I feel a disturbance in the wi-fi!" Luke asked him about it and he said: "Boba Fett didn't log in from 5 days into Fakebook, something's wrong in this....", Luke replied readily: "Leia, pack up, we are goin' to Earth, and also bring Chewie"

"I'm all wrapped in toilet paper!"

The second hand bounty hunter, will he learn to adapt with Fett's attractive ways and leave his toilet-ish ways?
"That's impossible, that's-oh wait, that's icecream!"

Vader's disobedient son, what will he do when he knows that his father is an evil villain?
Han Solo
"I shot first!"

A famous smuggler in the stars, will he find his old arch-nemesis, Boba Fett?
"Why destroy the planet? What did it do?"

Vader's daughter, will she continue in politics after her father destroyed her planet?

Han Solo's furry friend, his co-pilot, and his helper, now will he find Earth's forests relaxing like his original planet?

The emperor faintly shouts to the reader then: "STAY TUNED FOR CHAPTER 3!"
Back to: Sim Wars I: Chapter 1 (Intro): Welcome to the Imperial Rule, Sunset Valley!
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