Chapter Four; page 5
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My Vulcan.
He wasn't a dream, but real. Fresh and blood. Our souls indeed met somewhere, out there and finally connected in my bedroom on this stormy June night.
I didn't even know his name, but I willingly gave him my heart as well as my soul.
As a light bolt struck near the house, my lover's touch to my body, shot through my very soul.
I didn't even know his name, but it didn't matter. I was his and he was mine.
All I knew was his love.
And that I didn't want the night to end.
......but it did end. I awoke the next morning, first with the sweet smile of memory. Then slowly, as I realize, it was nothing more than a dream.
A sweet, lovely, but in the end, a dream.
The End.
(Since Orgian no longer supports Sims 2, I have lost the game that told this story and there is no way to recreate it.)

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