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Strangetown Stories (1-2)
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Strangetown Stories

Curious household

It was a warm summer night when Vidcund decided to stargaze. He wasn’t expecting to have the same outcome as Pascal, but he had. A UFO appeared and took Vidcund.
Luckily, Lazlo won’t get near the telescope. He prefers to have normal babies with Crystal Vu than meeting Pollination Technician. So he asked her out. And it was a dream date.

Pascal is also having an active love life. Nervous dropped by, and Pascal thought it was time to tell him what he felt. Pascal was really happy that it was mutual.

- Nervous! – yelled Pascal – The baby’s coming! Lazlo!
- Hold on Pascal, I’m coming – said Nervous.
A little baby boy was born, which Pascal named Alex
- Goochie goochie goo, Alex.

Nervous really is good for kids. After all, he'll have his own soon...
Vidcund came back, pregnant. “At least I came back”, he thought.
When it comes to work, Lazlo’s the one who’s been doing the best. As a Project Leader, he makes 630 a day. More than his brothers, who are on leave.

Smith household

A mysterious lamp appeared in the bathroom. Pollination Technician #9 rubbed it and a strange creature appeared.

- Hello! I’m the Genie. I can fulfill 3 wishes you have. What do you wish for?
- I’d like to have some more money.
- There you go! – a bag with 10000 simoleons fell from the sky - What’s next?
- I want a long life. And some more money.
- Your wishes are my orders.
Then, as mysteriously as it arrived, the genie left.
- Kids! – called Pollination.
- What, dad?
- I want to surprise your mother. When she goes to work, we’ll all bring in some new furniture, OK?
- Sure dad, but, where’s the money? – asked Johnny – We’re broke, remember?
- Let’s just say a genie fulfilled my wishes.
During the time Jenny was off at work, the Smiths redecorated the house. And when she got back, her husband asked her to stay outside.

- Why are we outside? – she asked
- I have a surprise… You’ll see it when Jill opens the door.
Jill opened the door and Jenny entered the house. A different house, with good furniture and everything they could ask.
- Oh, honey! This is beautiful, but how did you pay this?
- I knew that you’re working hard to pay the bills, so I wished for fortune in the genie lamp.
- Thank you! You’re the best husband.

Jill spent the day with her mother, playing chess. Johnny went for a dive. And Pollination watched the Cooking Channel. At night, Jenny and Pollination woohooed, in the hope of having another kid.

Beaker household

- Just a bit more power, Loki. I think we’re there – said Circe.
- When can I get out? – asked Nervous.
- Wait Nervous! We’re in the verge of major scientific discoveries!

When they finally let him out, Nervous felt really good. For the first time, a Beaker experiment actually worked!
Nervous booted the computer and so an opening in Oceanography. A job! He could finally leave his foster parents, and their crazy experiments.
Next morning, during lunch, Nervous asked:
- Loki, I want to get a job. What do you think?
- A job, Nervous! Are you crazy? You won’t find a job, you’re the son of Death, remember? Circe and I can give you everything you need. You don’t need a job!
- Thanks Loki, you really put things in a different perspective!

However, Nervous was determined to go for that job. He was going to work after midnight, so Loki and Circe couldn’t catch him.
During the time Circe was at home pregnant, she studied hard with her husband. Perhaps the baby will inherit the studious gene?

And the baby was born soon. A little boy named Thor. Not that Circe is going to pay much attention to him. Work is more important.

One night, while Nervous was using the telescope, he was abducted. Like it wasn’t enough to be a guinea pig in the Beaker’s, now he was going to have an alien baby? At least Pascal also has an alien baby.
But if he has the baby while in the Beaker’s, what will they do to him? Nervous decided to study Logic, so that he could engineer a plan to escape.
Loki and Circe don’t sleep nor eat, they just pop into the energizer. Good way to save time to study, but also a good way to prevent death from lightning.

And now that Loki has maximized cooking, logic and cleaning, what’s he going to do now?
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