The next day I caught up with Leon after school at the homeless shelter. He was making some sandwiches for a few of the residents who gathered there in the afternoon.
"You're a hard guy to chase down," I complained. "I called your cell phone and texted you four times since my mom got home last night."
Leon looked at me wearily. "I told you I had to work all weekend. Monday three people called out so my boss asked me to cover waiting tables. I made a whole day's wages yesterday, Laura, instead of part-time-- plus tips."
"That's good," I replied. "Guess what, my mom has a boyfriend!"
Leon piled baloney on wheat bread and smeared mustard on top. "Yeah, that's probably a good thing, I think. Maybe she'll leave you alone now and stop picking on you."
I shook my head. "I'm supposed to meet him tonight. Something seems odd, though. He bought her a whole load of presents after only knowing her a day."
I went to the sink and began to run the water to fill up the coffee and tea urns.
"Your mom has been alone a long time, Laura. She's just happy to get attention."
"He's given her a mink coat!"
"Well, I don't know about mink coats." He lifted up the plates and began to put them on the tables as the residents filed in. There were the usual family groups and a few loners. One man had been at the shelter a long time and he was very friendly with Leon. He gave Leon a high five.
They often talked about sports or life back in the Caribbean.
"Hey, Bill, how's it going, mon?" Leon set down a sandwich in front of the grey bearded man in a flowery print shirt.
"Going till I get back to Trinidad," replied Bill. "Too cold here for me, bro."
"Hope you get there, soon," said Leon, moving along.
"Tell your dad I want to see him next weekend on the cricket pitch at the park!" Bill directed. "We need him again."
I made tea, coffee, and a pitcher of lemonade for the kids.
Leon was back at the refrigerator putting out desserts the Sugar and Spice Bakery had donated that morning.
"Leon, have you ever heard of C.Arthur Samuel Hunt?" I inquired handing him some information I had printed off the internet.
He glanced at the paper disinterestedly. "I work a minimum wage job, Laura. I don't know about no finance or real estate people. I just wait tables, go to high school and maybe I can save enough someday to go to university."
"I think that he's dodgy. Something tells me he is. My mother is a gold digger but this guy is not in her league. Why he'd be interested in her is very puzzling."
"I think you're just jealous, Laura. You want some nice presents and a boyfriend, too."
"No, that's not it," I protested.
"Then give him a chance. So far all I can see is the guy has a lot of dosh and somehow you're holding it against him."
Leon was nothing if not honest.
"Okay, I'll check him out tonight. Are you okay, Leon? You seem distracted."
"No, just a bit tired. Sorry I'm cranky." He smiled. "Mmm, this chocolate cake looks good. No reason why we can't have a slice."
"No," I replied, taking the plate he handed me. "No reason at all."