Pleasant Family Round 1
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Welcome to Round 1 of the Pleasant Family.

This is a Family in a Crisis if there ever was one and the WOT rolled for them falls right in line with the situation.
Family Crisis - One or more family member(s) leave in anger (divorce, runaway teen, roommate moveout, etc) The leaving member must be in negative relationship with all other household members before they can move out. This family rolled a 3 for the number of children. So someone must have one child to make the child count complete.

Lilith is not having a good day... week... month? Face it, its just been bad for a while around here.

First problem is a goody two shoes, perfect, golden-child for a sister. Nothing Lilith does can measure up.

One little argument and Angela goes all weepy and crying to Mom & Dad.

Then her mother starts off on her. "You have no ambition! Look at your sister, perfect grades and offers from colleges. You are going nowhere fast young lady!" Lilith snaps back, "Why should I have any ambitions? You already have your perfect little angel, why torment me? I'm just the leftovers, the spare, I can't do anything to please you so I'm done even trying!"

And then there is Daniel. Daddy dearest, playing pattycake with the maid while a naive and trusting Mary Sue is at work.

Despite her arguments with her mother, she loves her and seeing her father cheat is more than she can take. "You are the most disgusting, womanizing, scum Ive ever met! Mom loves you and you want to throw it all away for a little slut maid! She probably only likes you for your money... thinks she can steal a rich man from his family. I'm not going to sit around here and live a lie anymore!"

So instead of catching the schoolbus with her sister, she took off running. She had actually been planning on leaving for a while and had stashed a bag of clothes & necessities at her boyfriend's house. Of course Dirk couldn't let her stay at his place and he all the sudden had this goody two shoes plan to get into college, studying all hours. She thanked him for nothing and took off. *We will follow Lilith's progress further in a little while*

Daniel immediately calls the police to report the runaway, but they can't make any promises.

Meanwhile, Mary Sue arrives home early. She got a demotion due to a poor decision at work and is feeling pretty low. After hearing about Lilith running away (of course Daniel left out the details of his argument with Lilith) her spirits drop even lower.

Daniel gives her a backrub to help her feel better and start to relax. They talk quietly for a little while and soon she is feeling a little less down.

During this interaction, Daniel realizes that Lilith was right. Here is a beautiful, successful woman, the mother of his children, and she loves him. Was he really willing to throw that away for a little tail?

He suggested that they all just relax that evening, order some pizza and hope the police would find Lilith and bring her home.

The next few days everyone jumped at every knock on the door and every time the phone rang. Nothing on Lilith though. Angela and her boyfriend Dustin would hang out and talk about the whole situation. Angela couldn't stop worrying about her sister. Dustin saw her worry and tried to calm her, "She will be fine Angie! Lil is tough stuff! I know she stopped at Dirk's before she disappeared. Guess she was planning to bolt for a while, had a suitcase hidden there."

Daniel did some more thinking about how he had gotten so off track and decided that though he wasn't completely blameless, that hussy of a maid had come on pretty strong. That was easily taken care of, he called the service company and asked them to cancel the maid service and replace her with a Butler.

The butler was a good change for the household. He did everything, including the yard work and fixing meals. It was nice to get home from work to a clean house and dinner ready.

A couple months go by and Daniel has reached the top of his Athletic Career.

There was further proof of Daniel's renewed interest and faithfulness to Mary Sue. Daniel was hoping for a boy of course.

Angela treated herself to a little makeover.

Even Butlers aren't perfect I guess. He started a cooking fire then joined the rest of the family in the Panic Fire Dance, until the Fire Department showed up and then back to business as usual.

Everyone is excited about the coming baby, Angela can't wait to meet her baby brother or sister. But as she is writing in her journal, she couldn't help missing her sister. It had been months and no one had heard a thing about her.

And its the boy Daniel was hoping for! Doesn't he look thrilled? He paused his reading to look up at Mary Sue and the baby then went right back to reading.

Meet Brandon Pleasant!

It becomes Mary Sue's favorite pastime to set up her easel next to Brandon's swing chair. He swings and gurgles and Mary Sue paints and talks to him. She is finding it very nice to relax a little. Normally at work she has to be so focused.

Daniel bought an easel too and set it up across the room, so he could join Mary Sue. He's determined to keep their relationship fresh and do more things together. He is still very sad about Lilith's disappearance, but some good has come from her actions. He wasn't going to let her effort go to waste. There was still hope that someday she would come home... and he could thank her.

Angela's grades are so good and Mary Sue is taking advantage of her time off to invite the Private School Headmaster to dinner. Of course he loved the tour of the house. There were recent renovations... especially the kitchen after the fire.
The fireplace in the dining room was removed and another window installed. Also a second staircase put in. The flooring and cabinets in the kitchen were also changed.

Oh how food flies when 3 sloppy people eat. Did some get in Angela's eye? The butler looks horrified!

The headmaster looks happy at least. So is the family, Angela was accepted into the Private school.

Angela is preparing for College. She has been trying to wait... just in case Lilith returns, but she is out of time and needs to enroll soon. She has earned 4 scholarships.

Things settle into a routine as the whole family continues to miss Lilith. Angela takes a spell painting and watching Brandon.

Mary Sue uses the time to relax. Daniel has discovered fitness and spends more time in the swimming pool and jogging. Sometimes he asks Mary Sue to join him.

Before they know it, its time for Brandon's first birthday!

Happy Birthday little guy!

But where is Lilith?

Well, after Lilith took off and broke up with Dirk she headed for Bluewater. There is a little camp right outside the town where you can rent a.... crate? for less than $150 Per week. She had emptied her college tuition account without her parents knowing so she had a couple thousand to start with, but she knew it wouldn't last long.

Her apartment crate has all the basic amenities. Toilet, bucket- sink, pallet bed. She tried not to think about the cracks in the walls.

There were a couple of easels in the These buildings really were just old shipping crates that someone had converted into living quarters.

You could use whatever facilities you wanted. All you had to do was pay for whatever food you used from the community fridge. Hot dogs were one of the cheaper meals.

Lilith tried making a friend. She went on about how she ran away from home. How her parents were so unfair and her annoying "perfect" sister, and how the school was boring. She was better off away from them.

Little did she know that Calista had no sympathy for her. "Listen you spoiled little brat! You talk about how life was so unfair, well you stay out here for very long and you will learn about unfair. You had family, safety and dropping out of school was stupid. You can't get a job without good grades around here. Don't talk to me about being better off in this dump!"

Lilith laid low for a few days. Eating her meals in her room and thinking. She had tried getting a job, but teens couldn't get a job without a C average grade. Lilith was a drop out with F grades. No one would hire her.

Meanwhile her little savings was going, so she spent all her time painting. A few $8 paintings sold per day... then she sold a few for $19. Not bad, she was breaking even, but did she want to sell paintings and live in a drafty crate all her life?

She made an attempt to befriend Calista again. Telling her she had rethought the school thing and caught the bus for night school.

It wasn't easy. Night school, LOTS of homework to catch up on, and she still had to sell paintings to scrape by.

Inspiration struck after a late night snack turned into a kitchen fire. The camp wasn't an official residence so the Fire Department wouldn't help. Lilith got the fire out, but she was determined to never burn food again. Anyway she had burned up a $6 meal! That's 1/4 of a painting!

She decided that day to study to become a professional Chef... who knows maybe even a Master Chef someday? It would be a long haul, her chances for college were gone. But she could work her way up.

Eventually her grades were ok enough to let her get a job at a local fast food restaurant.

The drafty crate didn't help her health. She caught flu and had to miss a day of school. It was close, but her grades stayed high enough.

The owner of the property told Lilith if she could fix the junker she could buy it from him for $300. So she spent spare time on the car. She didn't have to paint for a living any longer, the fast food job was a better paycheck.

She and Calista became quite good friends. They spent evenings before Lilith's bus arrived playing darts or chess. Lilith was learning that hard work pays off. And oh how hard that lesson had been... but she had burned her bridges, it was too late to go back.

This is the end of the Pleasant Round 1. So many things with this family. Lilith will become her own household with a separate story starting in Round 2. I haven't decided if she will be at the end of the play order or if her story will be right after the main Pleasant household. So... Will Angela get off to college okay? Will Daniel & Mary Sue keep their newfound relationship going strong? Will Lilith land on her feet or did she make a big mistake?

Next up the Goth Family. Their WOT - Freeloader family member moves in. Create a Sim in CAS with less than stellar personality traits (sloppy, mean, etc) they move in and cannot be controlled or directed for at least the first round of play.

Click Next: Goth Family Round 1 to continue...

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