Lothario Family Round 1
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Welcome to Round 1 of the Lothario family.

This round is going to be a rather quick one... I had to adjust the timeline a little and some ages as well. The reason will be clear as you read the story. There is no WOT for Don, he will be "inheriting" one. He will also inherit the child roll as well... Read on to find out.

Don is in a fix. His reputation has been absolutely ruined! That nosy Goth boy messed up his chances with Cassandra. She was the perfect mark! Rich and obsessed with her career just like Daddy "Big Bucks" Mortimer! All that money at his disposal and a wife who wouldn't notice when he went out to play a little, all ruined by a brat!

He grabbed another drink and came to a decision. Perhaps Brandi Broke wasn't so bad? Actually she was quite hot... yes she had some baggage, but he wouldn't have to mess with the kids so much would he? With a wife & family, his reputation would improve and women would be throwing themselves at him again.

He called Brandi and asked her to come over. He kissed her in greeting. "Marry me Brandi?" "Oh yes Don!"

Dustin brought his siblings over and the whole new "family" headed downtown to the courthouse for a quick no-fuss wedding.

The sale of Brandi's trailer and Don's bachelor pad allowed them to buy a small ranch house on the outskirts of town. It was roomy and had a large yard for a family.

They had each kept personal belongings, Beau brought his lemonade stand... though being out of the center of town he had fewer customers than before. Don had brought his bar, stereo system, and workout machine. Brandi brought the TV set and the kids furniture for the twins.

Dustin is applying for scholarships. He hadn't been planning on going to college, but Angela was enrolled already and had begged him to go along with her. She told him how to apply for scholarships. He thought it was worth a try... he could always go back to his contacts in his current career if he dropped out.

Brandi is pregnant again... Beau loves talking to his mommy's tummy. This will complete Brandi's roll for 5 children.

Don is focusing on his athletic career. If he becomes a star athlete the women will be flocking to him. Brandi's pregnancy has him quite shook up. It was no problem to keep a distance from his step children... but this one would be his. He never wanted kids of his own...

Dustin also made use of the workout machine. He hoped to add one more scholarship to the list before leaving for Sim State U with Angela.

The house has simple fixtures for now, but everyone is comfortable and Don is still trying to get more into his role as family-man. He certainly appreciates having someone to help cook & clean. Can he settle down or is this still an act for the ladies?

Its time for Dustin to head for college. He managed to get 3 scholarships for his job, grades & body skill level.

This is the end of Round 1 for the Lothario family. Until Dustin graduates from Uni and moves to his own home, there will be no more individual Broke family rounds. Meanwhile Don has no knowledge of Brandi's debts and the bills are still overdue... 1 more Repo Man visit before the original WOT is satisfied...

This was a modified round since the Broke family had all gone through an entire round already, a full second round would have thrown their ages off. So I age regressed the Brokes by 4 days and age progressed Don by 3 and played them for a shortened 4 day week. I reset the day of the week & season to start the same as the other rounds going forward.

Next up is the Oldie family... They rolled a WOT of Adoption Obsession - Adopt (pet, child, baby, toddler) your choice x random dice roll. They rolled 3 so they must adopt 3 of any combination of children & or pets. This rather made the random children roll unnecessary, but I rolled it anyway and came up with 2... so they will adopt 2 children and 1 pet.

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