*Outdated* Skeleton Skin Pack V2.2 (Fredom of Hairchoice) now for Teens too

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The search for nice Hairs on your Adult Skeletons is over. All Adult and Elder Skeleton Meshes have resized Skulls now for using most normal Hairs. Only short Hairs in the Neck are not fully able to fix.
To complete this Task i need now in the Skin Pack 2 Skeleton Meshes for each Age (was wondering myself... but Sims use different Head Sizes on Female and Male)
As soon as im able to complete the Meshes for Teens i upload them too.

Important Release Note!!!
1. All older Skeleton Clothe Packages are outdated by this Version!!! You need to donwload minimum the Skeleton-Basic-Clothepackage in order to use the new Feature of "free" Hair choice.
2. If you downloaded my Skeleton Experimental Clothe Package(S) you need to remove one File manualy (drachis-universal-jaf-skeleton-top.package) All other Packages will be overwriten by the Skeleton-Extended-Clothepackage.
3. My scattered Female Skeleton Long Hair no longer of any use and can be removed.

Less Important Release Note!!!
The Extended Clothe Package Contains 2 spezial Packages. The drachis-universal-am-skeleton-top.package and drachis-universal-af-skeleton-top.package. These 2 Packages are All Day Top Clothe for Young Adult / Adult / Elders and can be combined with a lot of present Ingame Bottom Clothes.
Three exclusive for the Skinpack altered Bottom Clothes are Included too. The red Formal Dress and the Wedding Dress is allready known here. The Skeleton Male Punk outfit is completly new. All three Bottom Outfits can be extracted with Bodyshop and recolored. No SimPE needed

For more Information check my other Uploads wich can be found here http://www.modthesims2.com/member.php?u=181263

Once more big Thanks for the MTS2 Meshtool by Miche & Delphy Without these great Tools these Set had been never possible.

And now... have a good time with the Skeletons

The altered Skeleton Teen Meshes now completed and tested. Within the Skeleton-Skin-Pack-V2.3-UPDATE.zip are all files you need to use most normal Hairs on Teen´s. Easy extract the Zipfile into the Folder with the Skinpack. The outdated Files will be overwritten. No need to remove Files manualy. For new Users of the Skin Pack u need to Download all Files and extract the Update as last File.
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