Zenman's Curvier Adult Meshes VOLUME 6 **UPDATED**

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Zenman's Curvier Adult & Teen Meshes

**UPDATE** 2006-01-19 See below.

The default replacement set contains two mesh packages; adult top and bottom. If you use these, all adult females in your game will have the "curvier adult" meshes, and they will be visible whenever the adult is fully nude (such as when in the shower).

The non-default set skintone package points to the modified meshes for my curvier adult and curvier teen. By using this package, you can create a curvier adult that keeps their shape in the shower, or a curvier teen that keeps their shape in the shower AND has the curvier adult shape (in the shower) when they reach adulthood. I combined these together so it was possible to create a curvier teen that turns into a curvier adult upon aging.

Note: The zip file contains the curvier adult and curvier teen top and bottom packages. These were distributed previously in other volumes of my meshes. If you've installed those volumes, you will be asked by your zip program if you want to over write the existing files. Say yes to this prompt.

Also note: This uses a different package id than the curvier teen skin package from "Curvier Teen Volume 4", so existing teens using that package will not use the adult meshes in this one. You would have to create a new teen with this package to get the behavior described above.

This package contains:
AF Bottom Nude
AF Top Nude
TF Bottom Nude
TF Top Nude
Skin package (which points to the meshes)

In order to make use of this mesh, you need to create an adult or teen in the "Create a Family" screen using this texture as the texture for the character. You will not see the mesh change in either the "Create a Family" screen or in Bodyshop, but the mesh will change to the curvier mesh when the character showers.

This texture is the default Maxis "Barbie" light texture. If you wish a different texture, you should be able to use Bodyshop to export this texture, replace it with one you'd prefer, then import it into the game. There are tutorials available that discuss how to do this; I won't cover it here.

To use these, simply unzip into your ...\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads folder.

Terms of use:

- Do not post these meshes on any other sites; they are for MTS2 only
- Do not include these meshes with any recolors; link back to this thread for the mesh

Other than that have a ball!

UPDATE 12-29-2005: I found an error in the package; the bottom mesh for the teen for the fit texture was incorrect. It's been fixed. Replace the previous version of "ZenmanAFTFCurvierBody_SKIN.package" with the new one.

UPDATE 01-04-2006: I have uploaded the Poser magnets that I used to create these and the other meshes to MTS2. I've included some tips for using them (although I point you to Xenos' Poser tutorial for the majority of the information). If you have Poser, and would like to apply these to other existing meshes, you can get the files at:


UPDATE 2006-01-19: Added default replacements (thanks mabricius).
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