Camarilla Vampire Career - Alpha Test Please
First Update: Now updated to correct problems with the female vampire career. Please redownload.
Second Update: Now available. Superfly helped with the technical aspects. Thanks to him it is now truly EP 1 and EP 2 compatible!!!! Yaaaaayyyyy! Please redownload

Third Update: Fixed minor lvl problem. Lvl 3 Chance card finished. All other chance cards now disabled till they can be written. Please redownload.
Introduction: This original career is based on the Gothic role-playing game known as Vampire the Masquerade. It represents the stages that a vampire goes through as he or she ages and matures.
The skills required to advance are quite expensive compared to most careers, and at younger (lower) levels, your free time to earn these skill points is very limited due to your sire keeping you extremely busy. After all, every Elder knows that the idle hand is the devil’s workshop, but since you are now immortal, why do you care how long it takes to earn skill points and advance?
As time passes, you may find that you have too much free time and too much wealth on your hands, and very few ways in which to spend it that are exciting or interesting, and you seek out greater and greater thrills in your personal quest to stave off ennui.
At last, you must come face to face with your inner Beast and overcome it, or be overcome by it. Humanity, and its retention, becomes your goal.
Lvl 1 : Childe: 10PM - 4AM : $335 ($2345 wk), Sun-Sat, no nights off.
Lvl 2 : Neonate: 10PM – 3AM : $510 ($2550 wk), Monday & Saturday off.
Lvl 3 : Ancillae : 10PM – 4AM : $672 ($2690 wk): Friday, Saturday, & Sunday off.
Lvl 4 : Elder : 10PM – 3AM : $699 ($2799 wk) Friday, Saturday, & Sunday off.
Lvl 5 : Harpy : 11PM – 3AM : $749 ($2999 wk) Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday off.
Lvl 6 : Elysium Master/Mistress : Midnight – 3AM : $812 ($3248 wk) : Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday off.
Lvl 7: Primogen : Midnight – 3AM : $900 ($3600) : Friday, Saturday & Sunday off.
Lvl 8: Prince : Midnight – 3AM : $1090 ($4360) : Friday, Saturday & Sunday off.
Lvl 9 : Archon : Unfinished
Lvl 10 : Justiciar : Unfinished
Skill Note: Herd, and Feeding = Cooking, Crime Scene cleanup = Cleaning
Chance Cards are not yet done, and are in progress.
Lvl 1 : Childe: 10PM - 4AM : $335 ($2345 wk), Sun-Sat, no nights off.
You're not sure where you ever got the idea that this Vampire thing would be one long party, because ever since your embrace you've done nothing except work for your Sire, night after literally bloody night, with hardly a spare moment to yourself. The hours are long, even if the pay is almost decent.
The stupid errands are simple enough that a child could do them. Oh yeah, that’s right, you are a childe.
To top it all off, in your copious free time, you are supposed to improve your skills in charm and etiquette (charisma), study the history of the Camarilla, practice hunting (cooking) and begin establishing a clean herd (cooking) in order to be allowed to be "released" and advance in the Camarilla.
Work all night, sleep all day, and spend every spare free moment in Elysium studying. It is tough to be charming when your undeath is night after night of constant fear of failure and exhaustion. Will it ever end and you ever be allowed to advance?
((OOC Note) This level is purposely hard to advance out of to represent how difficult it is for a newly embraced Vampire to survive and earn even a modicum of freedom and safety from other vampires.)
Lvl 2 : Neonate: 10PM – 3AM : $510 ($2550 wk), Monday & Saturday off.
Now your sire has you cleaning test tubes and fixing delicate lab equipment at the local blood bank for barely more than minimum wage and a couple of pints a night. How is this "released"? A lot of logic and cleaning skill-building time is needed at home to advance.
You'll always be on the graveyard shift, but guess what? The hours are not as long now, and you finally have a couple of nights off a week to yourself, if hanging out in Elysium working on etiquette, bodybuilding, and trying to impress the other neonates, and not make any stupid mistakes in front of your Elders could be considered "nights off".
Remember to keep your hunting Clean and tidy, and work on building your herd (cooking) up and you may just survive the long night.
Lvl 3 : Ancillae : 10PM – 4AM : $672 ($2690 wk): Friday, Saturday, & Sunday off.
You've finally earned an ounce of freedom and respect from the constant scrutiny and bullying of the elders and the other Ancillae.
Your Sire has sent you into the field, working on a far-flung research project. You may not have much Haven time yet, however, your pay has increased, and the environment of the libraries and museums you delve through night after night is preferable to the blood bank. Develop your skills and maybe you can actually survive to become an Elder.
Lvl 4 : Elder : 10PM – 3AM : $699 ($2799 wk) Friday, Saturday, & Sunday off.
The night has been long, and the road has been a hard one, but you have finally earned the respect that comes with age. With the aid of your childe, and several faithful ghouls, you begin a small business venture that immediately begins making a decent profit.
Energized by your new found power and strength, you throw your free time into further development of your skills, and enroll in night school for "continuing education" classes.
As you fight to hold onto your humanity, you discover philanthropy, and soon you begin sponsoring an orphanage financially. You are surprised to find that you feel surprising pride in your young foundlings as you watch them grow and prosper.
You occasionally consider adoption, and realize that with the help of a ghouled Nanny you could probably pull it off and make a decent enough parent to one of the orphans.
Lvl 5 : Harpy : 11PM – 3AM : $749 ($2999 wk) Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday off.
Time takes its toll, and eventually you find yourself becoming more critical of your fellow kindred. As your prestige and age increase, your opinion is given more weight by other Vampires. Soon you discover that much to your surprise, you have sufficient influence to affect how other vampires respond to each other. You are now a Harpy.
Lvl 6 : Elysium Master/Mistress : Midnight – 3AM : $812 ($3248 wk) : Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday off.
If you thought that being an Elder and a Harpy gave you ungodly power, you had never imagined the level of influence you could achieve as Elysium Master until the Prince gave you the honor of the station.
Ensconced in your new Domain you immediately begin a restoration and redecoration project of the old historic building. You are determined to provide the finest Elysium atmosphere possible in a show of competence to impress the Prince that the right choice was made when you were appointed to the post.
Lvl 7: Primogen : Midnight – 3AM : $900 ($3600) : Friday, Saturday & Sunday off.
As leader of your clan, you advise the Prince on a panel of advisors made up of other Primogen elders. Typically you meet once a week with the Prince, in Elysium. Prior to this meeting, you spend your time with your chief of staff keeping abreast of all matters pertaining to your own clan’s business matters as well as dispensing judgment and justice in all clan matters you are called upon to render a judgment in. It is a dirty job, but somebody has got to do it.
This is a high-paying, well-respected position with good hours and more time at home, but it takes a well-rounded skill set to guarantee success and a continued rise in station and power.
Lvl 8: Prince : Midnight – 3AM : $1090 ($4360) : Friday, Saturday & Sunday off.
It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. The money is excellent, but you may be called upon at any time. Special care should be taken to stay happy and well fed—a tired, cranky Prince might find a stake in his or her heart. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Uploaded: 8th Jan 2006, 450.4 KB.
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Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 8th Jan 2006 at 5:34 PM - Update of Zip
by wiggins1982 5th Dec 2005 at 8:36pm
63 111.3k 34
by 8th Feb 2006 at 10:27pm
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by heaven updated 1st Mar 2009 at 10:21pm
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