wedding dress and veil recol. of ethereal
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a wedding dress by request:
i include the veil
the meshes are by biene:
you can download in the clothing meshes section
and the veil in accesories mesh section(see the right side of the page)
cloth mesh name:Tranzparent BallGown Mesh/MESH_biene_ballgown_tranz310705
the dress is in everyday and formal categories,female,adult.
the veil can see in glasses categories.
i hope likes you.
Filename | Type | Size |
weddding dress and veil mininessie.rar | rar | |
weddding dress and veil mininessie.sims2skin | sims2skin | 1078692 |
weddding dress and veil mininessie.rar
Uploaded: 16th Jan 2006, 758.8 KB.
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