More of the 80's
Punk.JPG - width=355 height=406
Funky Black Top with Stretch Jeans and Boots.JPG - width=600 height=450
Olive Blouse&Stretch Jeans.JPG - width=600 height=450
Framkie.jpg - width=600 height=450
Atari.JPG - width=962 height=537
Shorty Sweatshirt.JPG - width=620 height=469
Brown Cords and Striped Shirt.JPG - width=287 height=430
Most is Maxis but the two adult top and jean sets, olive and black use a mesh from It is on page 3 and called MESH "DressHighBoots"
Both of these tops are favorites of mine. The green one is so pretty and has nice detail work. The black has funky cut outs at the shoulder and one arm that make it unique. They're packaged together but each named. (black&silver)
The punk outfit is sooo 80s. Black mesh top and dark plaid TIGHT pants. (80's punk)
Where did the saying Frankie says Relax come from? If you know tell me cause I have know clue but it was big in the 80s.
Airbrush shirts were also big. My opinion(though I may be wrong) is that 'the man' didn't want teens doing graffiti anymore and so they came up with this art form where you could actually make money. Imagine making money playing the sims?
The boys are left out so often so I just made this cute outfit- striped shirt and brown cords.
The Atari outfit. If you were around in the 80s you kNOW what the Atari is. For those that weren't, it was our version of the Xbox, or even the computer (most people didn't have computers in their homes the way EVERYONE does today.) It's two pieces black jeans and the Atari tee. They are packaged together.
Enjoy! cee
Uploaded: 18th Mar 2006, 615.6 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Mar 2006, 575.0 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Mar 2006, 333.0 KB.
Uploaded: 18th Mar 2006, 119.3 KB.
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Uploaded: 18th Mar 2006, 327.0 KB.
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Updated: 26th Nov 2008 at 6:30 PM
Testers Needed: 80's Legwarmers(and matching tops) to Go With any Bottom
by Cee 21st Mar 2006 at 8:00am
I was fooling around with bodyshop and came up with the idea of trying to see if you could add more...
9 8.8k 2
About Me
Feel free to use what I make any way you like. Share it with a friend, tear it apart, put it back together and share it for yourself. I think I am a creative person so I have good ideas for things to do but I tend to not add quite enough detail or to do things a little too messy sometimes. If you can take what I've done (or an idea that I have) and make it better, go for it! Just let me know so I can see! And wherever you put it PLEASE keep it free!!!
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