Sunbelt - A home requested by OkieChic602 - Unfurnished 4br/4bath fully landscaped
sunbelt1.jpg - width=620 height=650
sunbelt2.jpg - width=418 height=631
sunbelt3.jpg - width=476 height=650
Unfurnished: Fully Landscaped Cost: about 94,426 Simoleans
This lot has been repackaged with Sims2Pack Clean Installer and contains no hacks, careers, or unwanted/unneeded files. My lots will not be offered as zip files as rar files compressed at the best rate reduce file size by at least an extra 25% - we all have a responsibility to help keep site costs down right?
This house was built by request for OkieChic602 on MTS2 from an actual real live house plan! Of course I had to make a few artistic changes to make things fit better - but on the whole I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I think it will make a fine house for a large family and I would LOVE a master bedroom/wir/bathroom like that myself

The download for this lot contains:
Sunbelt.rar containing the lot file, walls, floors,objects and terrains. Install using either TS2 Installer or Sims2Pack Clean Installer.
files *NOT* included in download THAT NEED TO BE DOWNLOADED SEPARATELY
All the doors, windows and arches are part of the grand trianon set architecture available at mts2 at the following link:
file: creator: Grand Trianon by the Dream Team @ mts2
Direct link to the architecture downloads:
For this lot you need: The double arch, the double doors, the single door, the wide window, the wooden door and the narrow window (yes they all say poster at the start - thats them =)
files included in download
...Objects and Recolours
file: Green wrought iron fence creator: cyclonesue @
file: Green zig-zag fence creator: Ililas @ mts2
file: Fence blinds creator: Supertramp @ mts2
file: Tall empty cube pot, empty cube pot - recolours by Zita and Cathy creator: Lucas @
file: Flowers in orange and yellow,no flower oleander recolour creator: Bienchen83 @
file: TinaJones garden decor creator: Grapholina @ mts2
file: Hippieaystrem,maiden hair fern,fern plant,philodendron,leafy flower plant & all recolours creator: mickeyss
file: Amphoras creator: Nanshinibble @ TSR
file: lying down amphoras creator: Solander
file: Sliding closet doors & recolour creator: Helena @
file: Glamourous privacy window creator: simfantastic2 @ mts2
file: palm tree creator:
file: Beach bush creator: Solfal
file: Shorter independent expressions window creator:
file: Fig tree in standing Amphora creator: Tolli @
file: Dracena tree, short palm creator:
file: Invisible driveway and extension recolour creator: roddyaleixo @ mts2
...Floors, Walls, Terrains
file: Sharp sand terrain creator: Brasstex @ mts2
file: Red Granite Wall creator: Cathy @
file: Floral collection wall,Classic collection wall creator: Gnome Girl
file: Terra and cream bath tile wall creator: Marina Sims
file: Clubwall and Clubwall 2 creator: Dincer Hepguler @
file: Sandpaper poured wall creator: Happy-Honey-Hunt @
file: MI Concrete wall 1,goccia floor 5 creator: Michelle0959 @
file: Red/Cream Bathroom wall creator:
file: Celery walls creator: silvertreedrake @
file: Natural strip carpet creator: fairywitch @
file: Casual plush,thyme plush carpet creator: Ennaedwyn @ mts2
file: Sandy floor,simple outdoor floor creator: komosims @ mts2
file: Stone creator: Sahara @
file: Arabesque floor,cliffside floor,goldrush floor creator: Celebkiriedhel
file: DK Green siding creator: LSRE @ ???
file: Majestic Mahogany wall creator: ??? @ ???
file: Clay wallpaper creator: luvs10 @ ???
file: Artistic green stone creator: Witchygirrl @ ???
file: Livitdown rough wood floor creator: ??? @ ???
Filename | Type | Size |
Sunbelt.rar | rar | |
sunbelt1.jpg | jpg | 150489 |
sunbelt2.jpg | jpg | 150902 |
sunbelt3.jpg | jpg | 148317 |
Sunbelt.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 22769220 |
lotSegmentForUpload.sims | package | 1904835 |
Cathy_RedBrecciaEgyptianGraniteWall.package | package | 133379 |
Cathy_LucasFlorentineScrollPot.package | package | 352201 |
Cathy_LucasGrapesPot.package | package | 352201 |
Cathy_LucasPetiteChateauPot.package | package | 352201 |
Cathy_LucasTallBambooPot.package | package | 352225 |
Cathy_LucasTallEgyptianPot.package | package | 352225 |
Cathy_LucasTallFlorentineScrollPot.package | package | 352225 |
Cathy_LucasTallGrapesPot.package | package | 352225 |
Cathy_LucasTuscanPlasterPot.package | package | 352201 |
Lucas_EmptyCubePot.package | package | 417058 |
Lucas_TallEmptyCubePot.package | package | 416154 |
Zita_SmallPot.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot1.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot2.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot3.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot4.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot5.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot6.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot7.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_SmallPot8.package | package | 352201 |
Zita_TallCubePot.package | package | 352225 |
Zita_TallCubePot1.package | package | 352225 |
Zita_TallCubePot2.package | package | 352225 |
Zita_TallCubePot3.package | package | 352225 |
Zita_TallCubePot4.package | package | 352225 |
Zita_TallCubePot7.package | package | 352225 |
Zita_TallCubePot8.package | package | 352225 |
bienchen83_bienchenblume01_gelb.package | package | 180142 |
bienchen83_bienchenblume01_MESH.package | package | 484541 |
bienchen83_bienchenblume01_orange.package | package | 180154 |
bienchen83_orleander_gruen.package | package | 46193 |
cyclonesue_fence_wroughtIron_green.package | package | 98500 |
01fwFL4NaturalRug.package | package | 33560 |
9d80919fc1d91cdb18a618118c9db413_0001.package | package | 35887 |
b1753eea0cbe51fd94a126cb6076249e.package | package | 41642 |
floor_10ee4a5b.package | package | 37196 |
floor_4ee0491d.package | package | 11956 |
floor_50ee4395.package | package | 37495 |
floor_8ee469cd.package | package | 7649 |
floor_d0cdd474.package | package | 383355 |
floor_ef9f523b.package | package | 34792 |
floor_f0bf48ac.package | package | 41167 |
floor_MASArabesque2.package | package | 29591 |
floor_MASCliffside.package | package | 34939 |
floor_MASGoldRush.package | package | 32698 |
Graph_TinajonesMESH_010706.package | package | 288075 |
iLilas_ClotureParterreBlanche_Green.package | package | 69132 |
MTS-060705-Hippieaystrem-Colour01.package | package | 352130 |
MTS-060705-Hippieaystrem.package | package | 418814 |
MTS-110705-MaidenHair-Fern.package | package | 394018 |
MTS-240605-Fern-Plant-Bright.package | package | 177368 |
MTS-240605-Fern-Plant-Dark.package | package | 177368 |
MTS-240605-Fern-Plant.package | package | 307103 |
MTS-240605-Philodendron-Plant.package | package | 80820 |
MTS-260605-Leafy-Flower-Plant-Colour01.package | package | 354766 |
MTS-260605-Leafy-Flower-Plant.package | package | 658192 |
MTS-260605-Philodendron-Plant-Colour01.package | package | 24520 |
nanshinibblenewmeshamphora001.package | package | 617228 |
STEPS_90NMNglass_glass_Grey.package | package | 92526 |
SolanderCGN_garden01_amphora_1.package | package | 300479 |
HS_SlidingClosetDoorsDrkWood.package | package | 177391 |
HS_SlidingClosetDoorsMesh.package | package | 175719 |
rdrglx_invisibledriveway.package | package | 701654 |
s2Privacy001windowLat.package | package | 118037 |
simkatt1367_crmesunkenspa.package | package | 90056 |
s2s_m_treepalm_112f25.package | package | 542666 |
s2s_rec_treepalm_112f25_1.package | package | 177722 |
s2s_rec_treepalm_112f25_2.package | package | 177722 |
SolfalBeachBush.package | package | 269230 |
hrtspiritgreenwroughtiron.package | package | 98399 |
sunnsims_independentexpressionsshort_mesh.package | package | 108160 |
st-fence-deckwood.package | package | 335217 |
terrainPaint_6f45e133.package | package | 84472 |
th2ga01_plant1.package | package | 682854 |
(gnomegrrl)wall_ee1c9dd.package | package | 29371 |
2dd2e05d4374792faa0342c2521a7889.package | package | 72137 |
LSRE - Wall - Dark Green Siding.package | package | 38263 |
marina_terra_wall_4faca270.package | package | 26450 |
wall_4ed5fd0b.package | package | 79428 |
wall_6ed617a5.package | package | 76243 |
wall_6ed71ee3.package | package | 52077 |
wall_aed5eec8.package | package | 82392 |
wall_af180b2a.package | package | 68913 |
wall_b11d14a0.package | package | 57782 |
wall_ceea815d.package | package | 75656 |
wall_ef4475bb.package | package | 65285 |
wall_SDsCeleryLeaves.package | package | 62333 |
wall_SDsCeleryScrollingStripes.package | package | 73313 |
wall_SDsCeleryStripes.package | package | 56258 |
XMStree002A.package | package | 179027 |
XMStree002B.package | package | 135155 |
XMStree002C.package | package | 135162 |
XMStree004A.package | package | 111366 |
XMStree004B.package | package | 69619 |
XMStree004C.package | package | 69619 |
Loverats ReadMe - Sunbelt.htm | htm | 23158 |
Uploaded: 16th Apr 2006, 7.42 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 24th May 2006 at 8:05 AM - adding more specific Grand Trianon info
by joanne_8121 29th Jan 2006 at 4:53pm
+2 packs
by joanne_8121 29th Jan 2006 at 5:04pm
+2 packs
Aunt Victoria's Inheritance - Part or Unfurnished - Fully Landscaped
by Loverat 25th Feb 2006 at 5:11am
+2 packs
by LondonersMrs 18th May 2006 at 6:48pm
+3 packs
Open for Business
by shrekheatherbelle 31st May 2006 at 5:59am
+1 packs
Open for Business
by shrekheatherbelle 22nd Jun 2006 at 11:17am
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Open for Business
by shrekheatherbelle 11th Jul 2006 at 10:09am
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Open for Business
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
![]() | Nightlife |
![]() | Open for Business |
About Me
Use my recolours/lots/hoods whatevers as you like. Fondle them, love them and call them your own - upload to any free site in lots - if you upload to a paysite the Universe will KNOW and get you back - paysites for game items are aberrations and do not reflect the spirit of gaming. I've been ranting about this since TS1 and will continue to do it until TS435 =)